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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Post by smurfface »

Hi! I've got married twiuce - but I'm good aligned so don't want to get a divorce (evil points) but so far I haven't been able to kill my wives!

One of them is in Knothole. I've shot her with an arrow and killed her outside but that seems to have made me less popular with the other villagers who all loved me before!

Hoe can I lure her outside and get her killed by a Balverine? I want the house back!
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Mad Loco
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Post by Mad Loco »

first off, you didn't need to shoot her with any arrow, what you need to do is get her to follow you, and take her to where the balverines are, then stand behind her so she is in front so that when the balverines attack they hit her instead of you, thus killing her and not getting any bad points for it.
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Post by P_a_l_a_d_i_n »

Why would you want to that anyways? To constantly get dowery?
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Cowled Kensai
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Post by Cowled Kensai »

Or even more effectve tell her to wait at witch wood lake and make sure dem balverines spawn. I have never murdered a wife even when evil cause when the kensai is married it dont mean I wont get married to a hotter chick with tan skin at Knothole glade, but I make sure I protect my women. Constant dowery is nice, but those tan chics in Knothole glade give you 0 dowry, I guess in fable only white women are loaded.
I'm a kensai I like to eat pie
When you die I get really high
when you drown I get down
don't frown cause I'll bust your crown!

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