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multiple installations of BG2?

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multiple installations of BG2?

Post by Thrar »

Hi everyone,

i was just thinking, is it possible to install BG2 more than once on a computer? For example, one with Tutu for BG1, and one normal, or two different mod setups, etc.?
I guess you'll have to remove some registry keys, or it won't allow a second installation, has anyone experience with this?
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Post by Numinor »

If you have sufficient disk space you could just copy one installation to another folder, both should be fully functional; though the official patches only recognise the 'original' folder.
You should make a basic installation of SoA/ToB + latest patches + baldurdash which you then use as base for all other. WeiDU mods will always install into the folder the SetupWhatever.exe is in ;)
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Post by VonDondu »

Numinor is correct. You don't need to install the game more than once; you can make copies of your original directory and MOD them any way you like. The Registry keys identify only one installation, but you can run the game from the other directories without any problems. I do it all the time. Just make sure the BALDUR.INI files point to the proper directories.

BTW, if you have a Full Install, there's a way to make it take up less disk space. The Full Install puts Data files and Movie files into separate directories for each CD, but there's a lot of redundancy. You can combine all of them into a single directory and save over 500MB of disk space. For example, if you see a directory called C:\BG2\CD2\DATA, just move all of the files in there to C:\BG2\DATA. Put all of the Movie files in the C:\BG2\MOVIES directory.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

This is great news. I should then be able to have one unmodded to play multiplayer with and one modded to play with. Great.
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Post by icelus »

There is a good tutorial here that details an efficient way to create multiple backups.
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