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ebony mail

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ebony mail

Post by Asher »

ok a friend of mine was telling me that I can get a set of armor called ebony mail and that it is the best in the game. he told me in order to do this I have to join the temple and complete their missions. ***spoiler*** now I have been doing the blades missions I just cured my corpius. I also read that if there doing the blades missions that the temple wont talk to you can I still get the ebony mail? and if so do I just do the temple missions.
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Post by dragon wench »

I just completed the Temple quests. You *must* join the Temple in order to acquire the Ebony Mail.

I suggest that you finish the Temple quests and then proceed with the main quest, this avoids the conflict. I have read that the Temple does eventually forgive you, and then allows you to continue advancing, but why undergo the hassle? Just do the Temple quests first ;)
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Post by Lost_Guardian »

So Ebony Mail is better than Daedric? If so thats A little insane! And I have to go join the Temple! Lol.
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Post by dragon wench »

The Ebony Mail has (so I've read anyway) the highest potential armour class of any cuirass in the game, and it is light too, just 20 lbs. Also, it gives 50% shield, 20% magic resistance and 75% fire resistance, all at constant effect!

As far as joining the Temple goes, IMO the Temple quests, are actually the most interesting and challenging in the whole game. Sure, the initial ones.. healing this or that person, aren't that exciting, but once they progress... :D
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Post by Lost_Guardian »

THANKS! I the Temple me! I must go! Thanks again. Lol.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

wait... i thought the lord's mail cuirass was the best cuirass in the game :confused:
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Post by Asher »

I am using the dragonbone cuirass right now and I like it alot better than the lords mail. is the ebony mail a light armor I thought it was a heavy?
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Post by dragon wench »

The Ebony Mail is actually medium. Given the dearth of good medium armour in the game this stuff is seriously worth getting. And even if you don't have many points in medium armour it is worth getting anyway. :cool:

The only miner glitch is that while wearing the Ebony Mail your character looks as though they are permanently encased in a transparent, glowing purple egg owing to the Shield effect. :D
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Post by Asher »

Ok I just got my xbox back last night and was up for most of it as well doing the temple missions. and after several hours and many cuss words I did complete them and got the ebony mail now when I put it on the shield effect causes these little parks of light to flutter down in my face. I play in the first person view so I'm sure you can all imagine my annoyance with this, so i cant even use the armor is there anyway to get rid of the sparklies?
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Post by dragon wench »

Yeah.. I don't care for the effects myself, but I have also found that after wearing it a bit, they seem to subside, and I don't really notice them anymore.
I know what you mean though, damned irritating effect. Unfortunately, if you are on x-box, there is not really much you can do. As I said though, the sparkles do seem to wear off after a time.
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Post by Asher »

thanks I am gratefull to everyone for all the help
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