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Multiplayer game?

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Post by Thrar »

we'll really have that many thieves? Kinda crazy...
So the gnomish berserker is not an option any more?
If you guys play F/T (or berserker), C/T and M/T, I'll go with an archer - just plain and simple ranger-archer. And we'll all have stealth that way. :)

I was just thinking about the equipment's what I'd like to have:
- Tuigan Bow. As soon as possible, if you don't mind. It's only half the slavers quest, after all.
- Constitution belt. I'd play an elf and forget about CON if I can have it.
- Aegers Hide. With all those thieves I guess there'll be some competition for this, but there's also Night's Gift (adds stealth skills) and the shadow scales.
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Post by Thrain »

if you need an extra player (and a tank through the dungeon), i would be happy to add a berserker->cleric to the mix.

i'm currently running on a clean install without ToB (patched and buxfixed but no mods atm)
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Dont you have ToB? I think the idea of all characters having stealth is an excellent one! Sounds fun to me.
Multiclassthieves level up slower so we can divide the tasks between us.
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Post by me0w »

[QUOTE=Bruce Lee]There is nothing a cleric/thief, fighter/thief and mage/thief cant handle right? :)
We want a challenge dont we?[/QUOTE]

Yes, yes and YES!

"I wanna bring one of my guys since they are only one or two levels ahead and I am afterall looking to gain experience with them."

I really think we should start fresh, we don't need powerfull characters, we have 4 stealthers including 1 mage and 1 cleric, we will work everyone and everything.

If some fights get real hairy we will have enough traps to rock anyones world.

Now towards Items, I don't really mind, I'm stuck with sling so I'll go with any really. For armour, I hope its possible for me to take the "human flesh" armour, I always play evil characters (the occasional neutral too)although it takes a while to get, and I understand if your not willing to go out and get it. I guess I'd get all of the cleric items too. I was thinking I'd get the CF because of the wepeon limitations I recieve, also I'd hope for the flail of ages, or maybe the mace of disruption, dual wieilding, although I'm not certain, maybe wepeon and shield.

Also guys a big question for me is who gets to be the child of Bhall, who gets to choose the stronghold, and do we side with Bhodi or The Shadow Thieves.

oo the questions!
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Post by Bruce Lee »

It doesn't really matter to me who will be child of bhaal, the hell abolitieas are neat but I am really just looking for the multiplayer experience. But I think we want to have ToB installed right?
I really think the cleric/thief mage/thief fighter/thief archer party is a great one!
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Post by me0w »

Yeah, tob would be best I think.

But definately play this uber stealth game.
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Post by Thrar »

I don't care about being child of Bhaal either.
However, since you were mentioning the Human Flesh, I don't mind that one, but generally I'd prefer playing mostly good, with somewhat high rep etc.
Are there any strongholds that give really good rewards, so it may be worth picking the main character because of this? I can't think of any, though.

When do you want to start, and what do we want to install? Tomorrow in the evening (CET) I'm at a party, but during the day, as well as sunday evening or monday would be fine.
From 22nd of November I'll be off to Spain for an internship, so from there on you'd have to go on without me (I think, dunno if I'll be able to play from there), but it would be cool if we can play a couple of times until then.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

me0w and me tried to connect to eachother just now and we could connect but not start the game, perhaps because of difference in mods installed?
I have an unmodded game and can make a copy of that and install whatever mod we want to have but me0w has a modded one and may struggle to do so I dont know.
I think we should have ToB and then I am up for anything but would prefer non hacked characters.
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Post by Thrar »

From what I found out so far (thanks to those who posted here!), yes, we do all need the same installation.
I think we should definitely play with ToB and Baldurdash Fixpack, and I'd like some more mods (see my post on the first page).
Ease-of-Use has some pretty sweet components imo (but we'd have to decide which), and both Tactics and Unfinished Business provide some nice extra challenges. Item-Upgrade isn't that important to me.

I'm afraid it would be kinda hard getting *exactly* me0w's installation for all of us, so we'd have to install our own set of rules. I'm in a similar situation actually, I have a modded single player game running (more mods than those I mentioned), and I guess I'd have to reinstall the game, make a copy (see the other thread) and put on different mods. Annoying, but unavoidable I think.

About SK, I'm not really a big fan of endless dice rolls for character creation, so for that purpose, I'd like to use it, we could just set a reasonable maximal amount of stat points to spend (from the top of my head, how about 84? That'd be 3x18, 3x10, or any other distribution. Or even less?). Of course, we could also say something like "use first roll", or "one of the first x" or anything, whatever you want. Apart from that, I don't need SK, but I don't really care either.
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Post by Thrar »

btw, what's your MSN id, Bruce?
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Post by Bruce Lee »

You may be right about reinstalling the game, You can always save your savegames somewhere so you dont lose anything but time doing so.
If you want to try it I have an unmodded version of the game. I think we need the same framerate, I am running on 30 and so is me0w.
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Post by Danoxner »

Alright, here's my little bastard Swashbuckler

Name: Angus Blackrhum
Race: Halfling
Str: 17
Dex: 19
Con: 10
Int: 10
Wis: 17
Cha: 8
attribute total: 81

pick pocket: 35
open lock : 85
find traps: 90
Move S. : 50
Hide in S. : 50
det. illusion: 0
set traps: 80

two weapon style: ***
longsword: *
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Post by me0w »

Name: Velak
Class: Cleric/Thief
Race: Half-Orc
Str: 19
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 18
Cha: 10

(I think it was)

pick pocket: 0
open lock : 0
Move S. : 0
Find Traps: 15
Hide in S. : 40
det. illusion: 60
set traps: 75

two weapon style: **
Warhammer: *

Instead of making a new character, I loaded up one of the ones I made earlier, and used SK to edit his thievery abilities, although it adds up to the usual max, I just couldn't be bothered to make a new one with the same stats and then re-sort the thief skills, thats why some are 0.

So now all of use should just be stealth and traps. - I'll be anti illusion guy, I dunno how usefull it is though.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Detect illusion is very useful, but move silently 0 is not such a good idea. Move silently lets you stay hidden.
I guess you could beef it up on the way if it becomes a problem.
So we are leaving the regular thieving duty to angus then? With his faster levelling I mean. That way we can all have traps early on.
I'll make mine now and post him later.
Are we playing core rules? Meaning no rolling up the character on normal for max hit points.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Name: Hedwig higginbottom
Class: Illusionist/Thief
Race: Gnome
Str: 10
Dex: 18
Con: 18
Int: 19
Wis: 10
Cha: 9

If I remember correctly

Mostly hide and move silently and traps.

two weapon style: *
dart: *
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Post by Thrar »

Name: Sylvia Farseer
Class: Archer
Race: Elf

Str: 14
Dex: 19
Con: 17
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 12

Short Bow: *****
Axes: *
Two-Weapon-Style: ** (for being ranger)

now just give me the Tuigan Bow and I'll be happy :)
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Post by Thrar »

about detect illusions, yes, I do think that it's a very good thing to have. However, me0w, do you really have 0 in Move Silently? Maybe you guys should talk about who gets to search for traps, pick locks etc, so that not everyone has to invest there?
Another thing I noticed is, that both me0w and Danoxner have Int 10...which is just not enough to let you survive more than two mindflayer hits. Apart from that it's pretty much useless if I'm not mistaken, but maybe something to think about.
Btw, is it normal that a ranger can't have a single attribute below 8? My minimum reqs were like 13/14/14/8/14/8 - which kinda explains the roll I got, considering that it can't get really low...

Maybe you guys can post your opinion on mods some time, so we can start talking about that? Other than that, we're set, right?
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Post by me0w »

Yeah, I'll go into sk and resort the order of my thief stats, I'll deduct a little off Traps and find locks, and put them into move silently, I just forget you need it, I'm too used to BG1.

Well Thrar, I think none of use should have ANY detect traps, pick pocket, or unlock, because Danoxner will be doing that all for us.

10 int isn't bad is it? I thought it was pretty high, most stats at 10 (I think) start to have an effect, like if cleric with 18 wis and 9 int will have minimal lore, but at 10 int the lore dramaticly increases. Anyway, there arn't many mind flayers about in the game. 2 dungeons. Its not much.

I was thinking that either Thrar or Bruce should lower their dex, so that they can increase there other stats, there still are the Guantlets of dex. Just you 2 have low strength. But I guess there are enough strength guantlets to go around anyway.

Thrar I think your roll was incredibly low, try rolling again, like was like 26 (when I minused it all to 10's) - or something like that, so I suject a little rerolling.
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Post by Danoxner »

I think, Thrar's rolls are fine. He'll never miss with the Tuigen because of 19 dex and 5 stars, and he'll be getting extra hitpoints as well. We all have strengths and weaknesses and his bow is gonna be rediculously deadly. As far as the mind flayers go, can't we suck back some potions? If I take one of those +3 int/dex potions (focussing?) my dex will be 22, or don't the genius potions jack your int?

BTW, are we playing normal difficulty or core?
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Post by me0w »

Core! I hope, I never play lower than core, only reason I don't play insane is because the mods just make it near impossible with double damage. Its a shame, on IWD the harder you played the more exp you got, the monsters even had more hp (or so I hear).
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