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Thou shall spam. But thou shall see. Thou art heaten.

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Post by Ideal Maxima »

D_E_N once again turns the tables and starts giving a combination of a wedgie and a noogie to CM... and it aint pretty either :eek:
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Post by Tower_Master »

[QUOTE=CM]You forgot:

1. We drink alot so we can take over the remaining slurrs.
2. We spam alot so basically that includes anybody who posts in the spam threads.
3. We will follow other general nonsense to pick up the independent posters who do not align themselves with either:

B. Spammers
C. Slurrs
D. Godlings

4. Anybody who is independent is automatically part of the Heathens.[/QUOTE]

Uh-oh...CM's speaking about the Heathens in a "we"...This means at least one of three things:

A. CM is a nut.
B. CM, at heart, really wishes to be a Heathen (and even considers himself one).
C. CM is SO mentally deranged he now thinks he's royalty.

Hmm...which shall we choose? :D
I sincerely wish we could re-consider this plan from a perspective that involved pants.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

i say D. all of the above :p
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Post by Tower_Master »

[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i say D. all of the above[/QUOTE]

Ooooh....good one. Seriously, though, I'm doubting that CM could do ANYTHING to Luis. Don't take the Croc threat seriously. :D

Now, T'shalans'nay, on the other hand....
I sincerely wish we could re-consider this plan from a perspective that involved pants.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

ignore this post
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Post by dark_raven »

side thought

i was looking at your title for the thread and to make it more "hebrew" like i would have used the word shalt instead of shall
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Post by Morlock »

:D Yes.....Shalt is a very Hebrew word.

(I think Biblical would be more correct) ;)
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Post by CM »

Sarcasm just isnt built into your vocab is it? Alas this is gonna be an easy war.
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Post by Brynn »

Hey people, who wnats to play BGI again? I'd like to start all over again, and thought it'd be more fun playing together! (No, I still haven't got enouh of it :) ) SO, I'm looking for 3 volunteers - please PM me (send me your MSN if you're interested).

Luis, basically, everything you wrote is fine :) You've been our spokesman for a reason, after all :)

Shall we consider including "pestering CM All the time" to the Rules? :D (not neccessary, though, it comes instinctively anyway :D )
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Post by Vicsun »

Luis Antonio wrote:Well, since the Six Commandments the Heathen havent came up with nothing exeptional in the forums. We even had yet another SYM history and a BS finding thread... and thats a lot.
The above statement assumes the Six Commandments (that's right: All your COMMandments are belong to COMM) are exceptional, and someone, other than yourself and your pitiful group, actually cares about them. This assumption is incorrect.
1 - No struggle for power will happen inside the Heathen. All members are equal between themselves, and their titles are only derived from pure fun.
-> Example: Tower Master is our Trainee. But he is equal to me or Brynn (xpt she is a mod) on the boards and respond as a Heathen in front of all.
Hah! To paraphrase what you said to make your point clearer: All heathen are equal! Some are even as equal as I am!

I'd go on (warm tequilla with no lime or salt? :eek: ), but there is no point as those who are ignorant, young and/or gullible will undoubtedly be sucked into your hole of wretchedness regardless of my valliant efforts to save their innocent souls.
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Post by CM »

As vicsun pointed out the Heathens are not an equal oppurtunity organization. COMM is and on top of that we hold a larger membership than any other SYMian organization.
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Post by Rob-hin »

Isn't this hole COMM vs SPAM vs Heathen vs SLURR stuff getting a bit out of hand?

I mean, come on. What are we talking about? :o
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Post by Vicsun »

[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Isn't this hole COMM vs SPAM vs Heathen vs SLURR stuff getting a bit out of hand?

I mean, come on. What are we talking about? :o [/QUOTE]Well... yes. Yes it has, actually.
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Post by Sytze »

[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Isn't this hole COMM vs SPAM vs Heathen vs SLURR stuff getting a bit out of hand?

I mean, come on. What are we talking about? :o [/QUOTE]

I agree. It's getting a bit old.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Sytze, I guess the only reason for all this is good spam and joyfull smiles of the crowd when they pick up their mail and see "someone has replied to the thread" and we are forced to go there and see what result of another meaningless post. :)

And BTW, I guess the "fights" between all the groups makes us more eager to post what we want, cause we will know our points better... or at least, when someone answer your serious posts we may say "damn, he is serious this time".

DEN, never worry, CM is a fine chap, he is just in doubt right now... :D
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Post by Vicsun »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Sytze, I guess the only reason for all this is good spam and joyfull smiles of the crowd when they pick up their mail and see "someone has replied to the thread" and we are forced to go there and see what result of another meaningless post. :)

And BTW, I guess the "fights" between all the groups makes us more eager to post what we want, cause we will know our points better... or at least, when someone answer your serious posts we may say "damn, he is serious this time".[/QUOTE]

Have you been drinking? I can't seem to decypher your post: it seems to go on about 'good spam' and 'smiles full of joy' but it never actually gets around to making a point... I am known to communicate in a similar way, but that is only after the consumption of roughly three-quarters of a tequilla bottle (ice-cold with lemon and salt! ;) ).

Regardless, I took a screenshot of the first three threads. In order to illustrate my point I was about to ask everyone to play a game of 'spot the similarities', but decided to make everyone's life easier by highlighting them instead.

So the question is: do we really need three identical threads and do we need any more of them? If the answer is to both questions is 'no', then the solution would be: Luis, stop posting identical threads. If the answer is 'yes' then Luis, you need to create more threads because we haven't had enough of them! The exercise of answering the question is left at the reader's discretion.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]
DEN, never worry, CM is a fine chap, he is just in doubt right now... :D [/QUOTE]

i know, i'm just pulling his leg ;)
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Post by Sytze »

Besides, I can't say I like all the rules you just wrote down, Luis. ;) :p
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Post by Aegis »

To think, this all started when Weasel founded the whole COMM thing... So, like all things, Weasel is the root of the evil. Remove the root, remove the evil. Simple enough, I think.

Also, it seems to be Heathen vs. All... Remember, the spammers are pretty much all lurkers now, the SLURR are few and far between, and the COMM's are just having sporadic fun.

As for the apt-named 'Godlings' (I don't even know who labeled Fable and I that). That's just been an ongoing joke for I believe three years now. That and our visits to Tralfalmador to visit the man unstuck in time is just plain fun.

I digress. Perhaps some thread merging...
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Post by Brynn »

OK, here is my point of view: we all spam, we all love each other like borthers and sisters :rolleyes: and everything is fine. But then, people like CM come and they're sooo irritating, one cannot help telling them what they deserve :D :D :D

But again, I don't think we need to deepen the gap between any groups (in general - I swear I don't mean two certain groups in particular, no way :) ). It will get deeper anyway :)

Seriously: it's not like we hate each other, is it, so why treat it as a problem? :eek:
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