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Post by Rob-hin »

[QUOTE=Aegis]To think, this all started when Weasel founded the whole COMM thing... So, like all things, Weasel is the root of the evil. Remove the root, remove the evil. Simple enough, I think.

I was thinking the exact same thing.
He seems to have abandoned the whole thing though. :D
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Post by Rob-hin »

[QUOTE=Brynn]Seriously: it's not like we hate each other, is it, so why treat it as a problem? :eek: [/QUOTE]

That's not what I said, but it shouldn't be the centre of most conversation. Somehow it has become a way to often used topic.

Sis. :D
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Post by Weasel »

He seems to have abandoned the whole thing though. :D [/QUOTE]

Never! :D

I just take long vacations and have slips of the mind when to return from them. :D
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by Vicsun »

not talking about anyone in particular...

[QUOTE=Brynn]OK, here is my point of view: we all spam, we all love each other like borthers and sisters :rolleyes: and everything is fine. But then, people like CM come and they're sooo irritating, one cannot help telling them what they deserve [/quote]
Then, here is my point of view: some of us overindulge in said spam and the quality of posts deterriorates. If you must spam, do it in a funny or otherwise entertaining to read way. Posting for the sake of posting really irritates me.
Others take this spam far too seriously. (rules? wtf?) Combine the two and you have created the very essense of annoyance.

But again, I don't think we need to deepen the gap between any groups (in general - I swear I don't mean two certain groups in particular, no way :) ). It will get deeper anyway :)

BUT THERE IS NO GAP! There are no groups either - COMM started out as a joke, and I still take it as such. I believe the reason Chanak/Weasel deny involvement is precisely because it seems there are too many people taking everything too seriously.

Seriously: it's not like we hate each other, is it, so why treat it as a problem?

Because the forum is too full of trash at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I love the spam threads: they often produce comedic gold, but we really don't need three-to-five threads to spam in. This was also my pet peeve during the time of the taverns(tm). People would create four taverns and try to keep all four of them on the first page. As a result the quality of posts degradeted.

Okay, now I feel as if I'm taking all this too seriously. It's TEH INTERWEB!!11 after all.

edit: To lighten the/my own mood I will post the following images:
That sure does look tasty
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Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person. ~Chanak

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Post by Weasel »

Ah Vicsun is on to my wiley ways. :D

To come clean (Only for Minerva) I will finally after all this time give out my goal (Even though Georgi already knows..but didn't take me serious :D )
This will not take long....
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by Aegis »

[QUOTE=Weasel]Ah Vicsun is on to my wiley ways. :D

To come clean (Only for Minerva) I will finally after all this time give out my goal (Even though Georgi already knows..but didn't take me serious :D )
This will not take long....[/QUOTE]
That was diabolically evil... How natural... :o
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Post by Maharlika »

What do you expect, Master Founder?

[QUOTE=Weasel]Ah Vicsun is on to my wiley ways. :D

...that's one legitimate COMMrade you got there. :D :p :cool:

It's interesting though, that through the SYMian years, COMM is still very much there... ;)
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Post by Aegis »

[QUOTE=Maharlika]...that's one legitimate COMMrade you got there. :D :p :cool:

It's interesting though, that through the SYMian years, COMM is still very much there... ;)
COMM yet exists because there are those in the shadows who wish it. It could be stamped out so easily, like so many things, but it is found to be 'amusing' at times...

That, and it takes pressure off making fun of the Tea-Drinking Wanker. :D
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Post by Brynn »

All right, then. I'll stick to the Citadel. You don't have to read my posts in your hihgly serious topics anymore. Thanks for pointing this out.
Up the IRONS!
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