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SoU: Crypt Tower, Third Floor. *BUG*

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SoU: Crypt Tower, Third Floor. *BUG*

Post by Paranitis »

I don't know if it is a bug, scripting error, programming error, or if I just have the worst computer on the face of the planet..but it took me over TWO hours to get through this room because of how freaking SLOW it got the game running! If I adjusted the camera just barely to the left it would swing as far to the left I can get, if I tried to move, I had to wait a full 3 minutes before I moved..and when I did, I would just be exactly where I wanted to move..then I had to let the game relax and have the camera jerk everywhere before I wanted to attempt to move again.

I have experienced lag in a game before..I have played Morrowind. I used to think the lag in Morrowind was bad, but I have NEVER seen this kind of lag in my life.

And to make matters worse, I just killed the dead wind on the 4th floor, and now I have to ATTEMPT to walk my ass back through the maze to continue with my god damn game!

I loved this game more than almost any that I have ever played before..until I just got done with that room. I really hope Hordes of the Underdark doesn't pull this **** on me too or I am going to put a sledgehammer through my computer!

Forgot my original point since I was pissed off writing this there possibly a cheat, or SOMETHING that will let me just bypass that stupid maze room so I can keep going on with the game? I really don't want to waste another 2 hours of my life trying to walk across that landmine of frustration.
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Post by BlackHand »

I experienced awful lag in thet maze too, although it wasn't that bad. Frequent reloading helped too.

To your question: You dont have to backttrack through the maze, theres a 'rear exit' whre the dead wind is.
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Post by Paranitis »

thank dog I don't have to go through there again! YAY! :)
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Post by Leoneke »


I am going completely nuts in that (*#)(&_$*&% crypt maze :( I started with the crypt this afternoon and it's now almost midnight and I'm still between the skelletons and the mazes. It's a real pain to get through it normally. I don't know how to explain it in 'good' english; every move I make it's like it's photographed. Shot by shot. So annoying and it's getting me nowhere. By the time I finally reach an open maze, the maze is already closed. And that stupid summoned huge fire thing, whatever it is, won't leave me alone either, so everytime that thing appears, the game almost freezes, so I have to do a quicksave and reload again.
What do I do? :confused:
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Zel Greywords
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Post by Zel Greywords »

Ohhh yes, I know what you mean... if you stay on the "shifting maze" floor of the crypt tower for a longer while, the game get extremely slow. Must be some kind of memory leak concerning the shifting tiles or just a plain wrongly coded engine routine. Far as I know, that hasn't been fixed in any patch so far, either.

Still, there is way to circumvent this. It's cheating, but then again it's the actual engine that fouls up here, so cheating to get out of it seems nothing but appropriate.

So, pause the game and type this into your chat:
## DebugMode 1
## dm_jumptopoint X Y
## DebugMode 0

The exit of that floor is in the far north of the map, right? Then you should try setting big values for both X and Y - which will bring you to the northeast corner of the floor. From there it shouldn't be too hard to reach the exit.

Oh, and don't worry about screwing up something, this command will change your characters current position, BUT it will never materialize you inside a wall or in any other illegal spot. If you enter two illegal coordinates, it simply choose the closest "legal" spot and places you there instead.

As for missing something on that floor... well, there are a couple of small rooms on the sides of the floor that have a few leveled-chests, but I never found anything really great there, so it's not much of a loss.

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Post by Leoneke »

Thanks Zel! But I already made it through :)
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