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Soloing advice for a F/M/T

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Soloing advice for a F/M/T

Post by Klorox »

I'm going to be soloing for the first time.

I'm thinking of going for dual weilding, probably using Celestial Fury or Flail of Ages with Belm or Crom Faeyr in my offhand (Belm before underdark, CF after).

I had considered using 2 handed weapons, but I don't think this will be as effective, even if it makes switching to a bow easier.

Any advice on which quests are really easy to get out of the way early on? Any general soloing advice?

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Post by me0w »

get your wepeons early. - also steal spells early, gets you alot of levels up.

I wouldn't bother with Belm, its alot of hassle for scimitar proficiencies. Start off using CF and Dak'kons Zerth blade (from pre-order bonus merchant in Ribalds shop), then go for CF when you can. Also go for short bows, so start just doing Katana and short bow, and dual wielding.

Rush off and quickly do Copper Corronet quest too. So you get the Tuigan bow (extra fast one).
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Post by lompo »

You don't need proficiency to use effectively Belm, because the extra attack with your main hand wan't be penalized, and the attack of Belm isn't strong anyway.
It's not a good idea to use a bow and Dakkon zerth because you will lose the memorization of the extra spell every time you equip the bow.
If you want to use a bow (or any ranged weapon) use only one weapon.
Don't forget the option of using a shield: shield of Harmony is a great choice, but there are some other good speciality option available, and you can switch to sling/darts/trowing daggers-axes easly.
You will save prof. points (no 2 weapon style) for a wider range of proficiency; that's very useful because you'll be soloing and will be able to use different weapons for different situation: i.e. MoD/Azuredge against undead/vampire, FoA for elemental dmg against stoneskinned foes, C.F. for backstabbing etc.
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Post by glenfar »

My advice is to role-play and just have fun with it - go with whatever type of weapon seems 'right' for your character. You're going to be getting all the XP and items to yourself, so you'll be uber-powerful before long regardless. The fun (to me) of going solo is that you can concentrate on your (one) character and watch them develop. Of course, depending on what you pick, you might want to consider the UnderRepresented Items mod ...

That said, the circus tent is a good quest to do right away. Not only is it easy, but you'll get a Stoneskin scroll, which will definitely come in handy! The copper coronet is also fairly easy, as well as the sewers underneath. The slavers can be a bit tough early on, but by the time you've done the rest, you should be able to handle it.

And of course there's a couple quests in the graveyard (Retrieving a Teddy Bear, and introducing a child and a Paladin) that don't require any fighting, so can be done anytime. (Note that you'll probably want to make sure you do the first one before you get 15K gold ... otherwise you'll have to meet with Bodhi when you go there, and you probably don't want to declare your allegiance just yet)

After that, I'd do the Planar Prison quest - as a solo character, it can be very handy to get the Boots of Speed! Especially if you're wanting to use range weapons ...
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