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How do you sleep/rest?

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Dragon Pine
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How do you sleep/rest?

Post by Dragon Pine »

Hi Dwellers,

I'm trying to learn how to sleep/rest to heal...not sure if I'm missing the hotkey...I've read several things about resting but don't know how...Thanks.
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Post by SmokeSoft »

Pull up your PIP Boy menu and click on the little bell shaped button next to the date. That will bring up another menu where you pick how long to rest/heal.

Ten minutes is the shortest, I believe. Then certain numbers of hours followed by times the next day if you want to jump to certain times rather than stare at the screen for awhile.

Alternatively, you could go spend money (gasps in shock at the idea :eek: ) at a hotel. Renting rooms lets you sleep for about 8 hours, time enough to heal a few hp's.

There's not a hotkey I know of because of the control you have over how long you sleep. If you are injured when you pull up the menu, it will give you the option to "rest until healed". If one or more NPC's are injured another option of "rest until party heals" pops up. WARNING!!! If your really badly shot up after a random encounter, you may be resting for days to weeks! So be careful when doing timed quests!

Hope that helps. That's all I can remember off the top of my head.
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Post by Nihilanth »

That is all there can be to resting. The thing Smoke Soft said about resting with badly wounded party members is true, so what you MUST do in order to avoid a 15 minute wait for yourt party to heal... Always select rest until midnight or some other period of time and then again. Use your First Aid or Doctor skill on yourself or your party members and then rest again for two days... You get XP and you rest a shorter period of time...

stupid little advice, but usefull!
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Post by Snoken »

If you want to talk about fast healing.
Go to a doctor and pay him 50 bucks and he will heal you instantly.
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Post by SmokeSoft »

But not every doctor in the game will (a) offer to heal party members, they may just offer to heal you or (b) have prejudice against certain party members like Marcus and Lenny. For that matter, you might not evern be able to get Marcus and Lenny to cetain doctors because enter towns can hate muties and ghouls.

Nihilanth makes a great point for anyone who want to gain exp. whenever and wherever. Wait about a 24 hour period and you get all of you first aid and doctor successes for the day back. Heal up yourself and your NPC's as much as you can then rest 24 hours again. Repeat and needed. If you build up a good doctor skill, say 100%, then you can heal up to 20-25 hp's max, but average around 15 hp's. That's about twice First Aid. Using Doctor can net you and extra 150 exp per day while First Aid will net you an extra 75 exp. per day. These aren't huge gains, but do this after every fight and it adds up! Fast!
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Post by JediKt »

Redding... it's 100 bucks, but "Painless" Doc Johnson will heal everyone.
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