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About Korgan

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About Korgan

Post by sparhawk_tr »

I need help about NPC Korgan.
I'm a Cavalier Level 9 (almost 10)
And Korgan

When i killed unseeing eye, i went and report what i've done and got an another minor quest from Tamyr (the name can be wrong but it doesn't mater)
but i need some rest and buy/sell, so i went to waukeenspromenade. When i've just arrived there suddenly Korgan wanted to leave and did it.
Then i looked at this forum and read about something about reputation. But i don't want to decrease my party reputation because of role playing.
Then continue to play bg2 and remove all of the equipment from korgan from last save. But when i've arrived the same place this time Korgan did not do anything. Then i did my business and take rest in an inn. When the rest was over Korgan did a new offer as a quest about helping a guy in government district. Anyway i'm doing sth about Haer'daleis and a portal right now. But after that i'll take the offer that Korgan did.
And here is the deal,
If i will go on my way with Korgan, he will leave eventually?
If so, can i replace him by taking Anomen? ('Cause he is lawfull good and can work with a paladin) Can Anomen be a sustitute for him?

And a second quetion with a minor importance. Can Imoen be a sustitute for Yoshimo. Because he is useless for me. I'm using him with range weapons. But he is the only thief in my party. So Imoen vs Yoshimo. Or somebody else?

Thank you for beeing patient, to read this long thread. I hope i could tell my problem. :)

Edit: Lots of writing errors. :)
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Post by fable »

If youre roleplaying means you're extremely good, that doesn't necessarily require you to have a high reputation. Reputation isn't the same thing as being good; it's just the way others see you. In fact, it's not even very reasonably applied--as you'll discover later, there's a nonsensically easy way to lower worldly reputation, which doesn't make a bit of sense since you can do it without any citizens around.

Korgan has one quest chain he really wants done, involving that book. I've heard that he will leave if you don't find it in a reasonable amount of time, but in the 5 run-throughs I made this never happened. If your worldly rep does get too high, however, Korgan will leave.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

If I remember coreectly he will leave if your reputation gets to 19 or 20. He will leave if you never take time to do his quest, not the one he spoke to you about meeting someone in the government district but the one he told you about when he joined. But he will have a dialogue about it and leave if you dont agree to do it.
I think that Korgan can fit in nicely with your party although he is evil. His acts are not always evil and Anomen is no saint anyway and not half as strong as Korgan. ;)
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Post by sparhawk_tr »

May be you are right. My reputation is 20. I don't know if it is extreme or not.
But i did the book of Kaza quest. And it is done. This is whole new quest.
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Post by Morril »

And a second quetion with a minor importance. Can Imoen be a sustitute for Yoshimo. Because he is useless for me. I'm using him with range weapons. But he is the only thief in my party. So Imoen vs Yoshimo. Or somebody else?

Yes you can substitute Yos for Imoen. Imoen is a decent thief and not so bad a mage. In melee combat I don't think she is so good.
Another thief you also can choose is Jan.
It's really a question of how you want to play :)
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=sparhawk_tr]May be you are right. My reputation is 20. I don't know if it is extreme or not. [/QUOTE]

That's very high. No defined "evil" character will stay with you at that point. Consider having a neutral or evil character attempt to pickpocket somebody in an area where no one hangs out. This should knock down your rep sufficiently.
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Post by JJComo »

Spar if you would like, have Korgan go out and murder someone for no reason. It drops your rep by ten I think and it will definitely satisfy Korgan's bloodlust for quite sometime.

Jan Jansen and Haer'Dallis make quite the pair as far as thieving abilities and magic. Haer'Dallis is the king of pickpocket. Jan's trap abilities are very good.
There ranged attacks are helpful and later on they make decent melee attackers.

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Post by sparhawk_tr »

Thanks for all advices. I just change Yoshimo for Haer'Dallis. But i've checked some of his abilities, I saw that Pickpocket:25 . Isn't it low? :confused:
Maybe i should change my question to "Who is the best thief?"
I need a lockpicker and trap finder and besides this, he/she should aid me in battles either by spell or hand-to-hand.
Yoshimo can't aid well. He can only help me by shortbow. But i'm not that type of player.

BTW, i will decrease my reputation as Fable said.

Thanks again.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

There are a few bugs with the blade pickpocket. It should be heavily penalised but isn't. Except for when haerdalis joins, when he next levels up though it will get a big boost so be patient. If you have ToB you wont be disapointed in haerdalis.
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Post by me0w »

Haer'Dalis does not replace a thief.

The only good option for a thief there is (imo) is Nalia. However, she has to be edited in Shadow Keeper, I made her a levl 10 thief. dualed to mage, its annoying because I'm a few hundred thousand exp away from beign a thief again, but who cares. She is like Uber Imoen.

I'd keep Yoshimo and then consider Imoen when you reencounter her. (chapter 4 I think) So just go rescue her.
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Post by Miser »

And here is the deal,
If i will go on my way with Korgan, he will leave eventually?
If so, can i replace him by taking Anomen? ('Cause he is lawfull good and can work with a paladin) Can Anomen be a sustitute for him?

And a second quetion with a minor importance. Can Imoen be a sustitute for Yoshimo. Because he is useless for me. I'm using him with range weapons. But he is the only thief in my party. So Imoen vs Yoshimo. Or somebody else?

Thank you for beeing patient, to read this long thread. I hope i could tell my problem. :)

Edit: Lots of writing errors. :) [/QUOTE]

There's not much left to say, so i'll just summarize what others said and add a bit here and there. :)

Korgan/20 rep:

1. Like fable said, he WILL leave when if your rep is 18+. If not now, then later, but eventually for sure.

2. He's doesnt get along very well with Minsc and Aerie. With Minsc, not so much, but with Aerie, i'd be more careful.

3. Like many others pointed out, Anomen is nowhere near as strong as Korgan. Plus, he's really reallllyy ugly.


1. Can you replace Yoshi with Imoen? Sure, but it doesnt help much though. If you dont like Yoshi with bows, You probably wont like Imoen with bows either! As a mage, she's pretty decent. My vote goes to Jan though. :)

2. You already got the best thief in the game and that's Yoshi. But since you dont want him, you can try Jan or Imoen. If you want a real challange though, take Nalia.

I hate Haer Dalis', but certainly, he's also an option. :rolleyes:
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Nalia is not a good option for a thief, unless (as you did, me0w) you edit her. Imoen is not bad, but the only actual NPC thief in the game - who can improve over the whole game - is Jan. Yoshi is not bad to begin with, but we know what happens to him.

Imoen can handle pretty much every thiefly requirement, as long as you buff her with some Potions of Master Thievery and the thief ring (the name escapes me right now).

Otherwise, you are stuck with making the protagonist a thief or thief multiclass. Or installing one of the custom built thief NPCs (of which there are a few).

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Post by stramoski »


If Sparkhawk wants to use mods, I'd have a couple of suggestions...

He mentioned Korgan's departure:

Ease of Use fixes...

He mentioned thieving deficiencies... Two Imoen options:

1) Refinements makes her a LVL 12 (I think) Swashbuckler... Dualed to lvl 1 mage @ the begining, but when you lvl her up enough, she's very proficient in all but backstabbing... But she's crappy at that, anyway...

2) The Item Upgrade Mod creates some Gauntlets of Master Thievery... This raises almost all thieving abilities by like 30 points... She becomes a usable thief without any other changes...
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Post by sparhawk_tr »

First of all i'm gratefull for all of the answers. I couldn't read the
posts for a while because i was out of town for a week.
Anyway when i was back i've keep playing. I decided to go on with Yoshimo and later on take the Imoen in order to him when i accomplish the Bodhis task. She wants me to rescue a guy in Shadow thieves guild.
When i'm doing this quest also i'm doing the Kangaxx quest. I've get the golden legs&arms and the torso. So there is only the Kangaxx left.
But my party needs a rest first. As i've mentioned earlier i have both Korgan and Aerie in my party.To keep Korgan i've decreased my party reputation to 9 which is average. But this time when i've rest, Korgan and Aerie starts a short argument and Aerie leaves. It is bad because my cavalier PC has a romance with Aerie. Is it possible to keep both of them in my party? Because it is getting more annoying to keep all of the party members together.

And second (maybe related with the first one) a messenger told me, in adventurers mart, Uncle Quayle wants to talk with Aerie. When i went to Circus he and Aerie started to same conversation again and again. And in quest book there is nothing appaears as new.
What is your suggestion about these?

Thank you all.
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Post by Thrain »

korgan and aerie are incomplatible in any party. to be fair, he is an evil dwarf and she is a lawful good elf, not the most productive of pairings.
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Post by me0w »

You can load back everytime they argue, and it will prelong the arguement. So really, keep loading and they can both stay. But damn is it a hassle.
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Post by sparhawk_tr »

me0w, thanks for your advice but i tried , unfortunately that didn't work.
Any suggestions?
BTW i got the Ease of Use mod. Can i only install the Happy mod?
Thanks again.
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Post by Thrain »

yes. at the install it asks you which individual components you want to install
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Post by sparhawk_tr »

Thanks but it doesn't seems to work. I applied three individual patches.
One of them is "happy" (25#) and its prequisite.
Third "you must gather....". But none of them really works. Is it necessary to uninstall game and keep the saved games and re-install all SoA, official patch and EoU then continue?

Thank you for beeing patient. :)
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Post by me0w »

Often patches and mods go slightly mad, or just don't work if you are already in the middle of a game. I've never used the happy patch, so I'm not sure if that works in the same way, although I have installed EoU inbetween other games. So I'm really not sure.
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