She is currently lvl 9 (effective lvl 12 due to the lvl adjustment)
Her stats
Str 18
Dex 20
Con 12 -> 13
Int 3
Wis 20 -> 21 (22 with ring of the wise)
Cha 1
(I used Dalekeeper II to add two to her strenght, and subtract two from her con, I don't think that's unreasonable since I am soloing)
Fortitude 11
Reflex 13
Will 16
She is buttugly and dumber than a goblin, but who cares, with a natural AC of 26 (30 with the equipment I've found so far) her spell resistance is 20 (no gear) due to her being a deep gnome (11 + character lvl SR) and at lvl 13 she gains Diamond soul which will cause her spell resistance to rise to 47! (and it will continue to rise by two points at each lvl up)
So with nearly 50% SR at lvl 13, and her great will saves and superb AC, almost nothing will be able to touch her, neither magic nor melee.
She is currently wielding a greataxe, but I plan to use her fists once she reaches lvl 10 and her fists become +1
What do you guys think? Is this a good build, or am I fooling myself?