Well, I just finished the fortress. thet took a long time, but most of the creatures vere unable to tuch me, so exept from the odd stry magic missile, I made it pretty much unharmed.
I was unable to save the bridge, (not that it mattered) mainly because I had to kill an insane amount of badguys alone to get there.
Vrek wasn't a problem at all, I just hit him untill he fell down, and then I used some flaming oil to finish him off. It's hilarious to throw whatever grenade potion I have at the ground in the middle of a brawl, and watch as everybody around my monk dies, while she saves without any problem. she got improved evasion at lvl 9

It's the same with all those enemy mages who are so fond of casting snilloch's snowball swarm.
If I ever meet a creature with blunt immunities, I'll just use my trusty greataxe (remember I said that in the first post?)
I use all my quick weapon slots, one fist (blunt) one greataxe (slashing) one crossbow (missile, piercing) and the last one for whatever shortblade I might have (piercing)
Oh, by the way, with the axe I have a damage potential of 8-19 and it seems like the average hit is between 16-18
I've only had to reload a battle once, that was when I rushed into a room of orcs, headed for the shaman, when my monk suddenly failed her will save against hold person and was quickly ripped to shreds. That kinda sucked. After a quick reload I tried again and was succesful.
Actually the greatest problem I have faced so far is what loot to keep, and what loot to disband, 'cause even my nifty bag of holding isn't bottomless.

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