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Tribunal & Bloodmoon

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Tribunal & Bloodmoon

Post by Lowkei »

I just completed morrowind and now i want to buy the next games so i may trade in my old game and get the game of the year edition so i have all 3. Befor i do though i just wanna know a couple of things. number one, does tribunal and bloodmoon carry on from morrowind or are they all differnt games? number 2, if they do carry on from morrowind do you use the charector you did morrowind with or do you make up a new charecter? number 3, if you do make up a new charecter is there any new charecter design fetures or new abillities? Thanks alot i just want to know this stuff bfor i buy the games because im sarching the internet an im not finding any useful info. cheers!
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Post by dragon wench »

1. I don't know so much about storyline, not having completed the expansions, but their worlds are connected to the original game, and you can easily travel between Vvardenfell, Solstheim (Bloodmoon), and Mournhold (Tribunal).

2. You can either use the same character or create a new one, the choice is yours. Note, Morrowind is actually your jump off point for the expansions.

3. No new features if you make up a new character.
However, if you are on PC (can't speak for box), the journal is *much* easier to use, and you can mark your local map.
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Post by jopperm2 »

Note, to get to tribunal you'll have to have a sixth level plus character in MW and you'll probably want to be higher than that anyway, Bloodmoon is designed for high-level characters so if you go too far there with a new character you'll get wasted..
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Post by Ares2382 »

Bloodmoon and Tribunal expensions don't carry on from the original, they are add-ons. In other words they add new areas and quests to the game that you can do at any time even before you finish the main morrowind quest. You don't need to create a new character to play them. The two addons also add some new features to the game that make it easier to play.
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