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Question about Armor Class

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Question about Armor Class

Post by Bodmerocity »

Okay, so everyone knows Minsc, right? Well, anytime I try to put armor on him (or any character for that matter, but it seems especially odd for him since hes the big tough fighter guy who should be wearing armor) his AC goes down. How come? If the big tough fighter is wearing platemail armor, shouldn't his AC go up? I don't think I understand the system, could someone explain this to me?
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Vincent Vega
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Post by Vincent Vega »

In second edition D&D (Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, Icewind dale, and PS: Torment all use 2nd Edition) lower AC is better, just get it as low as possible. If you really need and explanation as to how this works here you go

When you attack an enemy, the game rolls a
twenty-sided die. The number you roll, subtracted from your THAC0, is
the Armor Class you hit. So if your THAC0 is 7, and you roll a 7, you
hit Armor Class 0 or anything worse than that (higher Armor Class is
worse). If you roll a 5, you hit Armor Class 2 or anything worse than
that, and if you roll a 10 you hit Armor Class -3 or anything worse than
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Post by sparhawk_tr »

In 2e rules, lesser AC is better. Like BGII

In 3e rules, greater AC is better. Like IWD2

So, if Minsc has a low AC, that means you are on the right way.
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Post by SP101 »

Chars (without dex bonus) start with an AC of 10.

If an armor as an Armor Class of 1, this mean the armor will set your ac to 1 (from 10), plus your dexterity bonus.

Base AC (10) + Armor (AC 1) = AC 1

Base AC (10) + Dex Bonus (2) + Armor (AC 1) = AC -1
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