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Tanners Bridge District Murders (spoilers)

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Tanners Bridge District Murders (spoilers)

Post by me0w »

Well I've got a wild ammount of mods installed, and I'm on the tanners quest.

I realised it was the tanner, after speaking to the whore, the begger and the merchant.

I told Inspecter Aegisfield that the tanner was the culprit. He quickly went to investigate. Then I quickly went to the tanners home, he told me that he had already met the lietenant and I told him I knew about the murders. He then left for the 2nd floor, then Anomen commented on how the inspector must be dead. I then found his corpse. Quickly went down a floor to the boat area. Where the tanner was no where to be seen, but a mage was there. The mage after short dialogue teleported away. Then I was left to fight off the ghasts and Rune Assasins. After killing them, I quicksaved and there was nothing left to do.

I think its to do with my mods, because I checked the GB guide, and I vaigly remember killing the tanner downstairs last time I played.

So I'm wondering where does the quest lead to now, I don't have the Human Flesh, so there has to be something inbetween.

Thanks for any help.
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Post by Deadalready »


This quest is finished rather boringly when you visit trademeet and defeat the shadow druids, after a short amount of time on entering the main town a lady will approach you and ask you to help her son. When you talk to the son you will find out about his encounter with a skin flayer and the quest continues from there.

Also in Imnsvale you will find a trader next to the other traders by the name of Fael, if you attack him (not enough to kill him before he talks) he will summon some mages for you to sharpen your sword on. There is a bit more to this quest for evil inclined people to complete the "Skin" but apparently the skin is worth carp when you finally get it. The base of the skin is found underneath one of the beds on the second level of the Tanners building.
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Post by me0w »

thank you. I remember the skin flayer thing.

I don't think the flesh is there at all.

Also the armour is the best leather in the game.

But still, where did the mage go, after saying he would kill me, and what of the tanner himself?
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Post by VonDondu »

[QUOTE=me0w]...the tanner was nowhere to be seen, but a mage was there. The mage after short dialogue teleported away. Then I was left to fight off the ghasts and Rune Assasins. After killing them, I quicksaved and there was nothing left to do.

I think it has to do with my mods, because I checked the GB guide, and I vaigly remember killing the tanner downstairs last time I played...[/QUOTE]
Nope, the tanner always gets away when you confront him in his home. As the mage told you, the tanner has important work to do, so he is well-protected. :) You can meet the tanner later if you follow the right path (as Deadalready explained), and that's when you can killl him.

The thing I've always wondered about is whether Rampah is a skin-dancer, but as far as I know, the question is never answered in the game.

[QUOTE=me0w]So I'm wondering where does the quest lead to now, I don't have the Human Flesh, so there has to be something inbetween...[/QUOTE]
The Human Flesh is supposed to be somewhere inside the house. Did you click on the bed? I think it might be under there.

I presume you know know how to create the human flesh armor, right? I'm not aware of any MOD that would remove the human flesh from the game or change that particular quest.
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Post by Deadalready »

The Skin Dancer merely runs off into the sunset via boat.
The mage dimension doors out.

Depending on your level there might be a few other mages in the area to make life interesting but you probably mistook them for the other two guys (who both reappear like I mentioned above)
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Post by VonDondu »

[QUOTE=me0w]where did the mage go, after saying he would kill me, and what of the tanner himself?[/QUOTE]
The Mage teleported away. There's no telling where he went. I suspect that he might have some relation to the Twisted Rune, but that's a conjecture that has never been proven.

The Tanner fled in a boat and probably went to Trademeet. He has some buddies out there.
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Post by Qwinn »

One thing you might've missed. If you go and kill the tanner -before- you talk to the Lieutenant and tell him your suspicions, then he never dies and you can go to him for a reward. If you do it the way you did it, though, then I believe you get the reward from the Chief Inspector in the main Government building in the Government district.

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Post by JJComo »

You will need to kill Adalon the Silver Dragon to acquire the human flesh armor. You need her blood to complete it.

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Post by me0w »

Well, the flesh isn't under the bed. I don't know where it is.

It must be to do with a mod. If I can never find it, I guess I'll just CLUA it in, if I don't get it back later.
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Post by LotharBot »

There are 2 beds in the tanners house. IIRC, if you use "tab" to show you what you can click on, only one of the beds shows up. But the other one is actually the one the flesh is under -- you get the "use this" icon rather than the "grab an item" icon when you mouse over it.
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Post by me0w »

Thanks alot, that clears that up.

And thanks to everyone who posted, your help is much appreciated.
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