yep, you did need to have very high in the stats of the class you want to dual intelligence for mages..dex for thieves...a poor kensai in my should have used more time on the rols...not a good one
What's the point of dual-classing a fighter with low fighting stats like that unless you want to dual him into a mage or something? For all fighters strength/dex/const should, in my opinion, be at least 15 each. I'd try rerolling a character and then getting better stats (probably drop const. in favor od dex and str. Just my thoughts.
Just re-do & re-roll your kensai. You have to have at least 15 in prime requisites (or was it prequisites - I keep forgetting) of first class and 17 in prime requisites of the second class. Anyway, I thought that your guy's great - for not everyone hasto be max'd one-man-armies.
Seen on a web page:
"This site best viewed in Netscape Explorer."
Customer: "I ran Microwave Defrost, but it didn't help."
(Referring to Microsoft Defrag.)
Customer: "I have Microsoft Exploder."
Customer: "I have Microscope Exploiter."
Customer: "I have Netscape Complicator."
Customer: "I have Netscape Regulator."
Customer: "Uhh...I have Newscape and Outlook Exposure."
thanks this IS my first time playing a rpg so forgive my stupidity anyway, i am at chapter3 and am curious if this means that in order for me to reroll this character, i would have to restart this game all over?
move the savefile into the multiplay save folder..then you can open it in there..load it up..move all stuff from your main chan to go to characther arbitration..delete your main and reroll him..and only have to regain xp..but you will stay at where you reached
lucian thanks, that is the information i need, though i need a little more detail about how to do that, are you saying i need to create a multiplayer game? or just move files (.chr .bio) files into another directory?
go into the bg2 folder..look for the save folder...move the folder with the same name as your last save into your mpsave folder...then its useable inthere...and it works the other way you can play with all your own chars in single