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Crashing Problems

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Crashing Problems

Post by Raumoheru »

I had just done a fresh install of morrowind, tribunal (then its patch) and, bloodmoon (then its patch).

then i installed the ninja outfit mod, all the astarsis head mods, and the better bodies mod.

but now my game is crashing every 2 minutes, it has never crashed this often before. it wud only crash like 1 time every 5 hours before.

are any of the mods i stated responsible for this?

EDIT: forgot to mention, it crashes whenever i try to start a new game too
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Post by Sean The Owner »

maybe you downloaded a mod with a virus in it
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Post by Raumoheru »

well i just did s fresh install of morrowind and did not add any mods. when i did a new game it crashed right after i typed my name in. anybody know how to help?
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Post by fable »

Did you use TEStool to clean the mods?
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Post by Raumoheru »

whats that?
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Raumoheru]whats that?[/QUOTE]

Go here, download and install the TES plugin tool. It comes with documentation which you really should read before using.

There will now be a lengthy pause, so no one can claim the above hasn't been said.

One option in TEStool is to clean each of your mods. This removes superfluous file comments, and makes 'em completely compatible with MW, TB and BM. You can then use the Level Lists option to combine all those mod item lists into one, and resolve any disagreements among 'em; and Merge option, to have all those mods resolve their conflicts and work together. A strongly recommended utility.
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Post by Raumoheru »

hmmm well i found out my problem...

my dad overclocked my memory so it had "too aggressive timing"

its ok now, but thanks for the help anyways :D
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