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cleric/thief stronghold

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cleric/thief stronghold

Post by Coot »

Quick question: if you play a cleric/thief, would you get the thief- or clericstronghold?
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Post by Yeltsu »

Depends on what quest you do first. Of course, you could install the multi stronghold mod as well.
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Post by Deadalready »

There's glitches that can let you get both thief and cleric strongholds, but I think you'd probably most likely get the theif stronghold.

It could also depend on what quest you do first out of the stronghold quests, you would probably start and finish the Mae'var quests before you finish the Unseeing Eye.

The thief stronghold is probably the best in terms of money making though.
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Post by glenfar »

It shouldn't matter which one you do first - just whether or not you accept the stronghold. You can always decline it, and then do the other quest and accept that stronghold instead. (But note that once you decline, it's gone - you can't go back later and say you've changed your mind ...)
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Post by stramoski »


BTW, the glitch that allows more than one stronghold is with Nalia's Keep. You can tell her: "Maybe later" and get another stronghold, then go back... You can't do that with any other stronghold...
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Post by Coot »

I had the thiefstronghold when I played an assassin, so I'd rather have the clericstronghold this time. It's the only stronghold I haven't had yet.
The reason I'm asking is, I remember reading that when you play a ranger/cleric, you won't get the clericstronghold and I was wondering if that was true for cleric/thievs as well.
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Post by Deadalready »

The Cleric stronghold is pretty medicore in terms of the strongholds, not much to store things in, no extra items.

Most of it is returning to the stronghold and giving adivice, I can't remember but I think you don't even get much money like the other strongholds because you are a good guy who does things out of the goodness of your own heart.
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Post by Adahn »

True enough I suppose. The Paladin stronghold in my opinion is the worse of them all, I don't know if it's me that's completely stupid or if it's the stronghold itself, but I can't find it... the knight sais it's behind him, but behind him there's nothing. No storage, no money earnings, no nothing.
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Post by Coot »

The paladin stronghold is very crappiest one of them all, on purpose I guess, because virtue is it's own reward and all that. You just get the one room behind the guy. You can't even rest there. You will get some quests though and they were not worse than those of the other strongholds.

As for the cleric stronghold: I just want it because it's the only one I haven't had yet. :)
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Post by fable »

I read somewhere that more was actually planned for the "paladin stronghold," but it got trashed along with quite a few other quests because of the inevitable time limitations. The Unfinished Business mod restored many quests and such, but the stronghold was simply in the planning stage. Presumably, most developers at Bioware found the idea of writing one for the paladins about as much fun as we would, playing it.
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Post by Qwinn »

"BTW, the glitch that allows more than one stronghold is with Nalia's Keep. You can tell her: "Maybe later" and get another stronghold, then go back... You can't do that with any other stronghold..."

As a public service announcement, I think it should be added that this no longer seems to work with the Baldurdash fix pack. I tried it, I had Nalia waiting for me at the Keep for ages (I was dualling from kensai to mage at level 13, so the mage stronghold didn't become an option for a long time). She kept offering it to me right up until the moment I finally got the mage stronghold (even after dualling and before my fighter skills reactivated), but as soon as I took the planar sphere she stopped offering it.

By the way, I -think- that the FixPack also corrects the bug of not being able to rest in the Paladin Stronghold. Not positive on that. But I agree that either way, it's probably the lamest of the strongholds.

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