We have a number of threads on how to order installations featuring multiple mods. Try reading through the first 2-3 pages of the forum, or search on something like "order."
I know it's not kosher to post a link on another forum, but here goes:
If it weren't, by now you would have received a warning from Buck or myself, and the link would be down. Actually, that's fine. The problem is offering a link to advertise another forum. Your link serves a purpose, so who cares? The guys that run that site and do mods are semi-regulars here, too.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
stramoski wrote:Westley Weimer was a programmer that actually worked on BG2 for Bioware, so his words are generally considered "gospel" in the modding community...
I really don't have a clue where that came from...
Saved games? I'm not sure where you're reading, but your old saved games WILL be unusable after installing many mods... I found that out after installing the Item Upgrade... The game played fine for days, I upgraded Daystar, then everything went downhill... I started over, upgraded Daystar, and it works fine, so that was the problem... A word to the wise... Start over...
Most mods will mention their requirements regarding current/new games in the readme.
The Dragonlance TC - a total conversion for Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Ok Here is my Currant Situation
Please respond if you have knowledgable replys, very critical to me here.
Thanks, all of you so far.
I am going to reinstall Shadow, then Throne then Throne Patch.
I don't want to start a new game, rather use my currant saves.
(I have finished most of the outer Athlaka quest, still in chapter2)
(Finished some town quest but have much to do yet)
Q!: Will my saves still be there, or do I need to copy them????
These are the Mods (below), that I want to add to the game
1)BG2 text update and fix pack (Baldurdash I think)
2)Ease of use
3)Aby Store and abystore debug file (merchant)
4)Volcano (merchant)
5)Bw Herb and Potion sales (merchant)
6)Bonus merchants (of course, two extra with special Ed.)
7)Cromwell smithy (upgade items)
8)Weimers Item Upgrade (upgrade items)
9)Cespy Audio (Use with Item Upgrade, expanded dialoge)
10)Banter pack (improved NPC, ect dialoge)
11)Juggernot golem (Improves or corrects golem in game)
12)Turnip golem (Adds Stew thee fierce turnip golem)
13)Improved horn of Valhalla (adds bezerker rage)
14)Heart of Wood (adds a druid staff that can summon some
entirely new cretures, recieved as grove quest.)
15)Bag Bonus (adds a few extra holding devices and ammo devices)
16)Goo (NPC, floating eyeball of wierdness)
17)Britt (NPC, non-joinable NPC, interesting dialoge.)
That much I think is non-weidu?
Q2: Can anybody tell me different?
Q3: Are there any known compatablity issues with these mods together??
I would like to add;;
1)Planar Sphere return (allows to return to sphere without travel)
2)Planer Sphere expansion (expands on stronghold)
3)Expanded Theifs stronghold (as stated, IE)
4)Sequencer mod and debug file (allows user to look at spells stored)
5)Unfinished Business (Expanded and excluded content)
That much I think is non-weidu also?
Q4: Can anybody tell me different?
Q5: Are there any known compatablity issues with these mods together
assuming I have the ones above??
Q6: Is there any install order I should follow for these mods other than
what was already mentioned in previous replys.
Q7: Is ther an Exp cap in Throne of Bhaal??
Q8: What is this mod file, (I down loaded it and don't know waht it is, Gbthfkpv-2-8.zip??????
I am a fool when it comes to installing and useing winzip. Some of the mod or programs run automaticlly some don't. Can someone fill me in on installing these with WinZip (for dummies) {I am not an good extracter and have done very little}
Some of the install descriptions are brief and seem like you need editing devices. Is that true or am I wrong?? I hope I don't need editors, if I do, I would most likelynot install them.
[Example of these]:: Heart of Wood mod.
Also The sequencer one says to copy files and edit numbers, is that right?
How does the bonus bag install???
Sorry so long, but I hope to have this going buy the end of the week or sooner. But take with a sip of milk or Woodland Ale if you like, or Searlonian Topaz Wine or.......
Thanks Moders and alike
That for one will corrupt your game. It will work. It will be fine. But if you take old save files, then they will be messy with the system.
Know I say this for cromwell smithy, but to be honest, it will happen with any, and all mods, but I particularly noticed it, when I added cromwell expansion thing.
Just start a new game. Or stick with the one you've got, new mods = new game.
Also alot of mods may not ruin your game, but alot will just not come into working, untill you start a new game.
That for one will corrupt your game. It will work. It will be fine. But if you take old save files, then they will be messy with the system.
The fact that "Cromwell's Smithy" is an item editing tool, not a game mod, makes me slightly unsure of this.
Know I say this for cromwell smithy, but to be honest, it will happen with any, and all mods, but I particularly noticed it, when I added cromwell expansion thing.
Most mods will detail in their readme whether they work if installed midgame. The majority should.
The Dragonlance TC - a total conversion for Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
SO, I installed BG2+ Throne+ patch. Baldur Dash fix and text update. Ease of use. Improved Banter pack. Weimers Item upgrade+ added(improved) Cespy audio. Juggernot golem improv. Volcano merchant store+ BW herbs and potions merchant. And Goo (eyeball NPC extrodenar) Also Unfinished Business and expanded theifs guild.
I wanted planar sphere expansion stronghold expansion but I have finished about the whole thing so I figured it may be bugged to add this late?? Same for planar sphere return mod.
I figured the sequencer mod and the smithy mod are editors or tools so I did not use them either. Any info on these would be great for later games?? How they work??
Heart of Wood looks to complicated to install. couple of tool needed, That I have but unknown to me. Item looks to be the coolest though. New monsters not in game, can be summoned. If you figure this one out in laymans terms post it in a new thread.
I don't know how to install Aby store, Britt (Unjoinable npc), improved horn of valhalla, and bag bonus.
I think these require copy files and the format to do so is unclear to me. Can anyone explain it to me???
Uses terms like @1 copy~bfg.boo~ ~something else compleatly different~
ect, ect, .....this is an example, so can some translate the ~~'s from the copies????
I think I can add them in if I new how. I tested it where I left off and it seems to be working so far. I am so happy. Hopefully no buggs other than Jans Turnips' hit me.
Thanks Folks,
Itz Been Real
Anyway, I got turnip golem, Improved Horn of Valhalla, and Aby store to work.
I could NOT get bag bonus and Britt (the unjoinable NPC) to work. I noticed they are both "rar" files. What ever that means???
DO you know?
Did I get the wrong download. Because there is no 'exe' when unzipping them to my BG directory.
AnyBody still reading out there??
I got the rarwin tool to install the rar files, Britt and bag bonus.
Used it for britt, fine. But I went to use it for bag bonus, it worked except the auto install exe runs then says
'unable to find "dialoge talk" in dialoge talk file.
There is a file called dialoge talk. Were this came from, I don't know but it is either with the BG game or with bagbonus?? Anybody know?
Anwser to this puzzle please if known??
Thank you.
The Pster
P.S. does anybody know where I can get Xyx’s Beholder Hive Upgrade mod??