Contingencies and Sequencers
- Deadalready
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Contingencies and Sequencers
In truth I generally don't like to use most congencies since I've never really found much use in battles and dislike using a slot that could probably hold an extra confusion, project image or some other immediately usefull spell.
On the other hand I really like to use my spell sequencers quite often. So generally what I'm talking about in this thread is what people use in their spell contingencies and sequencers and the situations they use them in?
Minor Spell Sequencer (Level 4)
Magic Missile x 2
This looks really nifty and is fun to do, I'm not sure whether this is the most effective or my acid arrow combination but it really depends on situation. This combination I like to use against weak low to medium level mages at the start of a battle or just after I crack their defences. It's good since it kills most enemy mages outright and doesn't give them the chance to continue on in a battle or save.
Acid Arrow x 2
I have to say I like to use this one quite often for some reason, most probably since I'm a sadist and like to see my enemies suffer before they die. There's nothing like seeing a mage pitfully taking acid damage every few rounds and suffering casting failures, though I'm not sure whether it actually does more damage than the magic missile combination. I like to use this on tougher mages that have more health and you can't kill them outright with a normal magic missile combination and can only hope delay them.
Silence x 2
Something that I sometimes used with Aerie to try and settle things early by making sure that group of mages or priests stop casting spells, sometimes I tyr using a Silence Spell with a Vocalise instead for very close work.
Doom + Chromatic Orb
I've never actually used this one since I never stock Doom normally, but apparently this is an effective dragon killer. It's a rather specific spell but I never tried this combination since the only one who can prepare it is a cleric/mage like Aerie (and I hate Aerie).
Spell Sequencer (Level 7)
This I generally don't seem to use much since I can't find much use for it...
Spider Spawn x 3
I sometimes use this configuration for when I theoretically need to quickly take a breather and use the spiders as a shield, but generally this seems to be left in my special ability section for all eternity. I never use this ability in the end in truth.
Spell Contingency (level 6)
Reaching 50% hitpoints Stoneskin, not much else to it.
Greater Spell Contingency
I don't have TOB yet so I haven't had much chance to experiment with this but one of my favourite things to do is to get this spell by using the one time wish from the level 7 spell wish.
Summon Invisble Stalker x 3
On reaching 30% of hitpoints, fun and it kicks in rather nice, though there is a problem if I have already reached my max creature limit.
Heal + Mass Heal x 2
Caster on reaching 10% hitpoints.
This is on priests or druids and sometimes I use summon Aerial Servant in place of the second Mass Heal spell, but usually for when things turn really bad and you need to try and avert death quickly. This have saved me a few times in my games actually (in different games) and I rather like doing this combination.
On the other hand I really like to use my spell sequencers quite often. So generally what I'm talking about in this thread is what people use in their spell contingencies and sequencers and the situations they use them in?
Minor Spell Sequencer (Level 4)
Magic Missile x 2
This looks really nifty and is fun to do, I'm not sure whether this is the most effective or my acid arrow combination but it really depends on situation. This combination I like to use against weak low to medium level mages at the start of a battle or just after I crack their defences. It's good since it kills most enemy mages outright and doesn't give them the chance to continue on in a battle or save.
Acid Arrow x 2
I have to say I like to use this one quite often for some reason, most probably since I'm a sadist and like to see my enemies suffer before they die. There's nothing like seeing a mage pitfully taking acid damage every few rounds and suffering casting failures, though I'm not sure whether it actually does more damage than the magic missile combination. I like to use this on tougher mages that have more health and you can't kill them outright with a normal magic missile combination and can only hope delay them.
Silence x 2
Something that I sometimes used with Aerie to try and settle things early by making sure that group of mages or priests stop casting spells, sometimes I tyr using a Silence Spell with a Vocalise instead for very close work.
Doom + Chromatic Orb
I've never actually used this one since I never stock Doom normally, but apparently this is an effective dragon killer. It's a rather specific spell but I never tried this combination since the only one who can prepare it is a cleric/mage like Aerie (and I hate Aerie).
Spell Sequencer (Level 7)
This I generally don't seem to use much since I can't find much use for it...
Spider Spawn x 3
I sometimes use this configuration for when I theoretically need to quickly take a breather and use the spiders as a shield, but generally this seems to be left in my special ability section for all eternity. I never use this ability in the end in truth.
Spell Contingency (level 6)
Reaching 50% hitpoints Stoneskin, not much else to it.
Greater Spell Contingency
I don't have TOB yet so I haven't had much chance to experiment with this but one of my favourite things to do is to get this spell by using the one time wish from the level 7 spell wish.
Summon Invisble Stalker x 3
On reaching 30% of hitpoints, fun and it kicks in rather nice, though there is a problem if I have already reached my max creature limit.
Heal + Mass Heal x 2
Caster on reaching 10% hitpoints.
This is on priests or druids and sometimes I use summon Aerial Servant in place of the second Mass Heal spell, but usually for when things turn really bad and you need to try and avert death quickly. This have saved me a few times in my games actually (in different games) and I rather like doing this combination.
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, it has yet to return
if you are talking bout contingencies & sequencer, i believe it's useful to YOUR enemies which you will be dealing with after a conversation & before your mages could cast a MMissile. well which one is it anyway? cuz sometimes i kinda got messed up between these 2 spells because both is also white lol
To Live Is To Die
Greater Spell Contingency
I don't have TOB yet so I haven't had much chance to experiment with this but one of my favourite things to do is to get this spell by using the one time wish from the level 7 spell wish.
Heal + Mass Heal x 2
Caster on reaching 10% hitpoints.
That kind of contingency is only possible with Aerie or another C/M. Ther eare no M/D.
as for my choices I usually have:
M. spell sequencer: my sorc. ->2 magic missile; my f/m -> blur/M.I.; on c/m doom/spook or 2 M.M.; on eventual 3rd mage 2 M.M. or spook/spook.
Spell s.: on my sorc. 3 skull trap; on my f/m stoneskin/im.inv./M.I.; on c/m doom/malison/spook or 3 holy smite; on eventual 3rd mage malison/spook/spook or 3 skull trap or 3 M.M. or 3 remove magic depending on other sequencer.
Spell trigger: on sorc. 3 sunfire (offensive) or like f/m; f/m base option mislead/stoneskin/M.I. alternative mislead/im.haste/tenser; c/m 3 mass cure or like 3rd mage; eventual 3rd mage 2 lower.res./pierce shield or lower res./pierce s./breach.
Contingency: stoneskin at 50%; alternative for c/m heal, for f/m tenser.
Chain cont.: GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! many option: 3 ADHW at see enemy targeted to nearest enemy!!!, 3 P.I., on sorc. with low int. 2 inc. cl./maze targeted on self (no main char.), on c/m other option as 3 deva or 3 hearthquake.
Greater Spell Contingency
I don't have TOB yet so I haven't had much chance to experiment with this but one of my favourite things to do is to get this spell by using the one time wish from the level 7 spell wish.
Heal + Mass Heal x 2
Caster on reaching 10% hitpoints.
That kind of contingency is only possible with Aerie or another C/M. Ther eare no M/D.
as for my choices I usually have:
M. spell sequencer: my sorc. ->2 magic missile; my f/m -> blur/M.I.; on c/m doom/spook or 2 M.M.; on eventual 3rd mage 2 M.M. or spook/spook.
Spell s.: on my sorc. 3 skull trap; on my f/m stoneskin/im.inv./M.I.; on c/m doom/malison/spook or 3 holy smite; on eventual 3rd mage malison/spook/spook or 3 skull trap or 3 M.M. or 3 remove magic depending on other sequencer.
Spell trigger: on sorc. 3 sunfire (offensive) or like f/m; f/m base option mislead/stoneskin/M.I. alternative mislead/im.haste/tenser; c/m 3 mass cure or like 3rd mage; eventual 3rd mage 2 lower.res./pierce shield or lower res./pierce s./breach.
Contingency: stoneskin at 50%; alternative for c/m heal, for f/m tenser.
Chain cont.: GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! many option: 3 ADHW at see enemy targeted to nearest enemy!!!, 3 P.I., on sorc. with low int. 2 inc. cl./maze targeted on self (no main char.), on c/m other option as 3 deva or 3 hearthquake.
I've always used sequencers and contingencies according to the foe. I usually stick to offensive spells with minor spell sequencer and spell sequencer, (Melf's Acid Arrow, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb). Occasionally I'll use summoning spells with sequencers. I used this tactic with Imoen. Stick to using protection, enhancing and healing spells with your contingencies. For those not playing with Aerie or a Cleric/Mage you won't have access to healing spells with your contingencies. Wizards should stick to using spells like Improved invisibility, Simulacrum, Mislead, Tensor's Transformation and Improved Haste on their contingencies. Powerful summoning spells for contingencies work well. You spend no time summoning them but make sure you set the trigger to see enemy or hit by enemy. If you bolster your party with spells before a major battle, contingency is a great way to get those short lived spells up while in the heat of battle. Use of sequencers and contingencies during a Time Stop spell is awesome.
Fifteen birds in five firtrees,
Their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze!
But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
Their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze!
But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
what about chain contigency + Spell sequencer + Contigency +Minor Sequencer (Last 2 are pretty optional) casted from a projected image? The possibilites for this usually neutralize just about anyone.
Spell sequencer you can load with something like a 3 lower magic res, contigency with breach or some such, minor sequencer with dispel magics, chain contigency with 3 horrid wiltings, chain lightnings, etc.
The best thing though... is to do all this with improved alarcity and timestop on so that once all of this triggers and sequencers are activated you can continue casting spells on the creature(s). This tactic works best with sorceror due to the # spells cast / day etc. I think ive almost managed to unload my entire spell repetoire on a group of enemies (Boss) fight all at once this way. Something like 6 horrid wiltings, 4 chain lightnings, 8-9 different spell/defense removing / magic res lowering spells, comets, summon planetar, and end with a wish. Long story short it was pretty much an instant kill on everything.
Spell sequencer you can load with something like a 3 lower magic res, contigency with breach or some such, minor sequencer with dispel magics, chain contigency with 3 horrid wiltings, chain lightnings, etc.
The best thing though... is to do all this with improved alarcity and timestop on so that once all of this triggers and sequencers are activated you can continue casting spells on the creature(s). This tactic works best with sorceror due to the # spells cast / day etc. I think ive almost managed to unload my entire spell repetoire on a group of enemies (Boss) fight all at once this way. Something like 6 horrid wiltings, 4 chain lightnings, 8-9 different spell/defense removing / magic res lowering spells, comets, summon planetar, and end with a wish. Long story short it was pretty much an instant kill on everything.
Tact is for people not witty enough to be sarcastic
A few things to note:
- once you've cast a contingency, you don't have to leave the contingency OR the spells it's filled with in your spellbook. So you can, for example, fill a chain contingency with whatever combo you like, and then replace the chain contingency with a timestop and sleep again. You'll keep the contingency until someone sets it off, even if you've un-memorized it (as long as you don't actually *erase* it from your book.) The same is true for spell triggers, etc. You can load them up and then put something else in their place and sleep again.
- contingency: stoneskin is probably one of my most-cast spells. It just simply keeps you alive.
- there are some ridiculous contingencies you can pull off. One of my favorites is an offensive chain contingency from my kensai-mage (or, really, any mage): at 50% health, fire a bigby's fist and 2 horrid wiltings at the nearest enemy. Also at 50%, use a normal contingency to get a new set of stoneskin. Another favorite, on a cleric-mage, is a chain contingency with a full heal and 2 horrid wiltings cast on self (wilting only hurts enemies.)
- spell triggers / sequencers are good for taking out certain specific enemies. For example, I like to use a level 8 spell trigger (not to be confused with the level 7 spell sequencer) with 3 "lower resistance" spells to start a dragon fight (leaving him with nearly zero resistance), and then all of my mages will use spell sequencers with 3 magic missiles and minor sequencers with 2 magic missiles. With 2 mages, that's 10 magic missiles (about 120 damage) in the first few seconds of a fight. With 3 mages, that's 15 magic missiles (about 180 damage) -- which is plenty to take out most dragons.
- I usually carry around a spell sequencer with 3 magic missiles just as an "I need that guy dead right now!" panic spell. It's nice when you just need a little more power.
- once you've cast a contingency, you don't have to leave the contingency OR the spells it's filled with in your spellbook. So you can, for example, fill a chain contingency with whatever combo you like, and then replace the chain contingency with a timestop and sleep again. You'll keep the contingency until someone sets it off, even if you've un-memorized it (as long as you don't actually *erase* it from your book.) The same is true for spell triggers, etc. You can load them up and then put something else in their place and sleep again.
- contingency: stoneskin is probably one of my most-cast spells. It just simply keeps you alive.
- there are some ridiculous contingencies you can pull off. One of my favorites is an offensive chain contingency from my kensai-mage (or, really, any mage): at 50% health, fire a bigby's fist and 2 horrid wiltings at the nearest enemy. Also at 50%, use a normal contingency to get a new set of stoneskin. Another favorite, on a cleric-mage, is a chain contingency with a full heal and 2 horrid wiltings cast on self (wilting only hurts enemies.)
- spell triggers / sequencers are good for taking out certain specific enemies. For example, I like to use a level 8 spell trigger (not to be confused with the level 7 spell sequencer) with 3 "lower resistance" spells to start a dragon fight (leaving him with nearly zero resistance), and then all of my mages will use spell sequencers with 3 magic missiles and minor sequencers with 2 magic missiles. With 2 mages, that's 10 magic missiles (about 120 damage) in the first few seconds of a fight. With 3 mages, that's 15 magic missiles (about 180 damage) -- which is plenty to take out most dragons.
- I usually carry around a spell sequencer with 3 magic missiles just as an "I need that guy dead right now!" panic spell. It's nice when you just need a little more power.
I think..
These are some popular ways of how people play their Sequencers/Triggers.
~Minor Sequencer~
2x Magic Missile - Most solid combination. This one is probably the best.
2x Acid Arrow - Potentially more damaging than the double-MM. The elemental damage is more easily preventable than magic damage, so the damage is not as guaranteed as MM. The total damage is spread over several rounds, and one can look at this as both an advantage or disadvantage. On one hand, it's less solid than MM. On the other hand, the recurring damage can sometimes give a silence-effect by interrupting spell-casting (works against some mages). Acid Arrow does kill trolls, which MM can't do. Its uses are more situational, so in most cases, double-MM is my top choice.
~Spell Sequencer~
3x Magic Missile - Similar to double-MM, but better. Some people prefer Flame Arrow instead of MM. Both are good IMO. Flame Arrow gives much greater damage, but MM is more guaranteed. I think it's a matter of playing style.
3x Skull Trap/Fireball/Ice Storm - Area-effect spells. It deals a lot of damage to enemies within the radius of effect. This is kind of a cheese-method because often times it's used from outside the enemies' sight range so they dont retaliate.
3x Spider Spawn - Tanker Spell. Tanking is better left for NPCs IMO. This is pretty mediocre.
~Spell Trigger~
3x Magic Missile - Same with the Sequencer. It's that good.
3x Lower Resistance - Lowers target defense versus magic. Always comboed with effect-spells (like Feeblemind) and very often used with MM.
3x Cloudkill/Death Fog - Similar as the 3x Skull Traps/Fireballs/Ice Storms, except these hurt more. Not very common. Most people prefer to fill their triggers with triple-MM or summoning spells.
3x Summoning - Another tanker spell, just stronger.
Stoneskin - Blocks physical damage. More useful versus one really tough enemy than a group of fighters since the more enemies you're up against, the more hits they do, thus killing your skins quicker.
Improved Invisibility/Mislead - Another defensive preparation like Stoneskin. Usually set to activate when life reaches a critical state. It makes you go *poof* when your life is down to say, 50%, and buys time to escape/heal/backstab when you need it.
These are some popular ways of how people play their Sequencers/Triggers.
~Minor Sequencer~
2x Magic Missile - Most solid combination. This one is probably the best.
2x Acid Arrow - Potentially more damaging than the double-MM. The elemental damage is more easily preventable than magic damage, so the damage is not as guaranteed as MM. The total damage is spread over several rounds, and one can look at this as both an advantage or disadvantage. On one hand, it's less solid than MM. On the other hand, the recurring damage can sometimes give a silence-effect by interrupting spell-casting (works against some mages). Acid Arrow does kill trolls, which MM can't do. Its uses are more situational, so in most cases, double-MM is my top choice.
~Spell Sequencer~
3x Magic Missile - Similar to double-MM, but better. Some people prefer Flame Arrow instead of MM. Both are good IMO. Flame Arrow gives much greater damage, but MM is more guaranteed. I think it's a matter of playing style.
3x Skull Trap/Fireball/Ice Storm - Area-effect spells. It deals a lot of damage to enemies within the radius of effect. This is kind of a cheese-method because often times it's used from outside the enemies' sight range so they dont retaliate.
3x Spider Spawn - Tanker Spell. Tanking is better left for NPCs IMO. This is pretty mediocre.
~Spell Trigger~
3x Magic Missile - Same with the Sequencer. It's that good.
3x Lower Resistance - Lowers target defense versus magic. Always comboed with effect-spells (like Feeblemind) and very often used with MM.
3x Cloudkill/Death Fog - Similar as the 3x Skull Traps/Fireballs/Ice Storms, except these hurt more. Not very common. Most people prefer to fill their triggers with triple-MM or summoning spells.
3x Summoning - Another tanker spell, just stronger.
Stoneskin - Blocks physical damage. More useful versus one really tough enemy than a group of fighters since the more enemies you're up against, the more hits they do, thus killing your skins quicker.
Improved Invisibility/Mislead - Another defensive preparation like Stoneskin. Usually set to activate when life reaches a critical state. It makes you go *poof* when your life is down to say, 50%, and buys time to escape/heal/backstab when you need it.
- Deadalready
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The thing about Dispel Magic is it has a good and bad effect, it will (hopefully) cure you of domination, charm, confusion and hold but unfortunately it will remove Stone Skin, Melf's Minute Meteors, etc from everyone around you as well.
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Spell sequencer you can load with something like a 3 lower magic res, contigency with breach or some such, minor sequencer with dispel magics, chain contigency with 3 horrid wiltings, chain lightnings, etc.
Remember that in simple contingency you can load spells to be cast only to yourself.
Apart from that it seems that very few sugges ttriggers and sequencers for defensive self buffing pourposes. considering thet only stoneskin can be effectively cast in advance having the option to cast 3 protection in a round is great, specially if your mage is going melee (f/m) or if is ambushed.
Generally I use 3 arcane spellcaster in my teams (typical a sorc. a f/m and a 3rd mage or c/m), and also for avoiding confusion my sorc. has damaging triggers, my f/m self protections and the third protection removal/disabling spells: i.e. 2 spook are a sure way to get rid of a single powerful foe.
Spell sequencer you can load with something like a 3 lower magic res, contigency with breach or some such, minor sequencer with dispel magics, chain contigency with 3 horrid wiltings, chain lightnings, etc.
Remember that in simple contingency you can load spells to be cast only to yourself.
Apart from that it seems that very few sugges ttriggers and sequencers for defensive self buffing pourposes. considering thet only stoneskin can be effectively cast in advance having the option to cast 3 protection in a round is great, specially if your mage is going melee (f/m) or if is ambushed.
Generally I use 3 arcane spellcaster in my teams (typical a sorc. a f/m and a 3rd mage or c/m), and also for avoiding confusion my sorc. has damaging triggers, my f/m self protections and the third protection removal/disabling spells: i.e. 2 spook are a sure way to get rid of a single powerful foe.
Acid Arrow x 2
I have to say I like to use this one quite often for some reason, most probably since I'm a sadist and like to see my enemies suffer before they die.
Hehe, I love to web up my enemies and then cast spider spawn, then imagine the sheer terror that they would feel as these horrible creatures approach them while they are helpless.
Yesterday I found myself using acid arrow on some pirates who dared to think that they could take me as a slave to row their ships. Though the first thing I did was to disintegrate their leader, so that the others could see how easily I destroyed the strongest of them, and realize that they are as nothing before me. Then they could quake in terror as they wonder what fate awaits the rest of them. MUAHAHAHAHAH!
Oh yes! The sequencers! I suppose 2x web could be used in a minor trigger, and 2x web + 1x spider spawn in a spell trigger, or 1x web, 2x spider spawn. Or even a greater malison, web, spider spawn combo.
I have deprived myself of much of the joy of using contingencies/triggers since my playing style is so conservative. I always save those triggers for when I *really* need them. I should use them more often, and I did make a point to experiment with these things more my third time through the game. Since I use them in emergency situations though, I tend to favour defensive spells on the triggers as well as the contingencies. Blur + mirror image on a minor trigger, etc. I noticed just yesterday that the blur spell lowers saving throws as well as AC, so it's great. Multiple castings stack, but I don't do this, as I consider it to be a game bug. One could however, stack them into a trigger.
By the way, it's only possible to have one of each contingency/trigger, right? 1 contingency and 1 chain contingency are possible, but not 2 contingencies? I have tried to cast contingency more than once, and it doesn't work, and yet I've seen enemy mages who seem to have many of them. I read the status window, and it always says "Enemy Mage: contingency", it doesn't mention different variations of the spell (such as chain contingency), only contingency, but the mage seems to have 3 or more of those kicking in during the battle. What gives?
Acid Arrow x 2
I have to say I like to use this one quite often for some reason, most probably since I'm a sadist and like to see my enemies suffer before they die.
Hehe, I love to web up my enemies and then cast spider spawn, then imagine the sheer terror that they would feel as these horrible creatures approach them while they are helpless.
Oh yes! The sequencers! I suppose 2x web could be used in a minor trigger, and 2x web + 1x spider spawn in a spell trigger, or 1x web, 2x spider spawn. Or even a greater malison, web, spider spawn combo.
I have deprived myself of much of the joy of using contingencies/triggers since my playing style is so conservative. I always save those triggers for when I *really* need them. I should use them more often, and I did make a point to experiment with these things more my third time through the game. Since I use them in emergency situations though, I tend to favour defensive spells on the triggers as well as the contingencies. Blur + mirror image on a minor trigger, etc. I noticed just yesterday that the blur spell lowers saving throws as well as AC, so it's great. Multiple castings stack, but I don't do this, as I consider it to be a game bug. One could however, stack them into a trigger.
By the way, it's only possible to have one of each contingency/trigger, right? 1 contingency and 1 chain contingency are possible, but not 2 contingencies? I have tried to cast contingency more than once, and it doesn't work, and yet I've seen enemy mages who seem to have many of them. I read the status window, and it always says "Enemy Mage: contingency", it doesn't mention different variations of the spell (such as chain contingency), only contingency, but the mage seems to have 3 or more of those kicking in during the battle. What gives?
I find that the only time I really need Sequencers are when I'm fighting a particularly powreful foe, like when I fight a lich a Spell Sequencer of 3 Fire arrows would come in handy, but then you remember only lvl 5-6(?) and above spells work on a lich...
Casting ADHW in a battle then immediately after casting C.C and setting it to cast 3 ADHW on closest target is a very sure way of getting rid of a lot of enemies.
But a good way to use Sequencers and Contingencies together I found just last night, is my 7 Sunfire Super Nuke
Which is found in this thread: ... hp?t=56216
Not sure if that link will work, sorry don't know how to give a direct link
When using little things like (small example) Chromatic Orb and Doom in a minor sequencer wouldnt the doom have to hit the target before the orb? So if the doom is slower that wouldnt work and would function just like a normal orb...
Casting ADHW in a battle then immediately after casting C.C and setting it to cast 3 ADHW on closest target is a very sure way of getting rid of a lot of enemies.
But a good way to use Sequencers and Contingencies together I found just last night, is my 7 Sunfire Super Nuke
Which is found in this thread: ... hp?t=56216
Not sure if that link will work, sorry don't know how to give a direct link
When using little things like (small example) Chromatic Orb and Doom in a minor sequencer wouldnt the doom have to hit the target before the orb? So if the doom is slower that wouldnt work and would function just like a normal orb...
- Deadalready
- Posts: 903
- Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:37 am
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The first spell in the sequencer hits first and the second spell hits second, remember sequencers have no casting delay.
So if you were to use Greater Malison, Emotion and Chaos in a sequencer Greater Malison would lower the throws of everyone first before the other spells hit.
So if you were to use Greater Malison, Emotion and Chaos in a sequencer Greater Malison would lower the throws of everyone first before the other spells hit.
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, it has yet to return
I've started using Greater Malison + Greater Malison + Chaos/Emotion in a spell sequencer. Any monster that still makes its save after that, will have its throws lowered so that my other mages can cast some other nasty spell on them. Chromatic Orb now has a better chance to instakill the ones who aren't confused/melancholic. Finger of Death (can you think of anything else that F.O.D. stands for?
) and disintegrate aren't the most efficient spells at their level, but at least when they stick you get the feeling that you throroughly "owned" the enemy. My 3rd time through the game, I'm trying out more creative ways to kill things, instead of the old standbys.
I can't wait to face the red dragon again, and use triggers to bomb him with Lower Resistance. Then Malisons/Dooms. Then instakill him with Chromatic Orb or FoD. Just don't use Chromatic Orb on him if your caster is level 10-11, since it will turn him to stone, and you will lose the items. Of course a level 10-11 caster won't have all of these lovely triggers/sequencers, but I'm thinking of a full party with a multiclassed mage doing some casting on the side.
About defensive triggers, these were what I had in mind when I decided to run through the game again as a fighter/mage. Fact is though, my spell casters are usually far away from the melee, and if my fighter/mage will be in melee and not casting spells, then I don't mind him taking a few hits, and his AC is good anyways (bracers of defence AC 3, 19 dex). If I suddenly need for him to begin casting spells, it's almost impossible to interrupt the casting of stoneskin, which should keep him from being hit long enough to get another spell off. I'm pretty summon-heavy anyways, and let my monsters do most of the melee work. Saves having to heal my party members, which allows my clerics to memorize different types of spells, instead of all healing spells. A skeleton warror summoned by the level 3 cleric spell certainly saves my own party members more HP than what the pathetic healing spell at that level can cure. Even 1 or 2 regular skeletons might accomplish that.
I can't wait to face the red dragon again, and use triggers to bomb him with Lower Resistance. Then Malisons/Dooms. Then instakill him with Chromatic Orb or FoD. Just don't use Chromatic Orb on him if your caster is level 10-11, since it will turn him to stone, and you will lose the items. Of course a level 10-11 caster won't have all of these lovely triggers/sequencers, but I'm thinking of a full party with a multiclassed mage doing some casting on the side.
About defensive triggers, these were what I had in mind when I decided to run through the game again as a fighter/mage. Fact is though, my spell casters are usually far away from the melee, and if my fighter/mage will be in melee and not casting spells, then I don't mind him taking a few hits, and his AC is good anyways (bracers of defence AC 3, 19 dex). If I suddenly need for him to begin casting spells, it's almost impossible to interrupt the casting of stoneskin, which should keep him from being hit long enough to get another spell off. I'm pretty summon-heavy anyways, and let my monsters do most of the melee work. Saves having to heal my party members, which allows my clerics to memorize different types of spells, instead of all healing spells. A skeleton warror summoned by the level 3 cleric spell certainly saves my own party members more HP than what the pathetic healing spell at that level can cure. Even 1 or 2 regular skeletons might accomplish that.
Spell order is not always true, but if you plan as though it was, you'll do fine.
Someone commented on using triggers & contingencies from simulacra or Project Images - unfortunately, you can't.
Again, the potential of triggers and contingencies are almost infinite - both defensive and offensive. AoE disablers, direct damage spells, what have you.
There are a fair number of the lower level trigger scrolls around, so you can burn some up giving your priests the odd trigger with the potion-swap trick - and the odd higher level trigger for the really nasty fights
Spell order is not always true, but if you plan as though it was, you'll do fine.
Someone commented on using triggers & contingencies from simulacra or Project Images - unfortunately, you can't.
Again, the potential of triggers and contingencies are almost infinite - both defensive and offensive. AoE disablers, direct damage spells, what have you.
There are a fair number of the lower level trigger scrolls around, so you can burn some up giving your priests the odd trigger with the potion-swap trick - and the odd higher level trigger for the really nasty fights
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.