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No romance on xbox if you're playing as a female charachter?

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No romance on xbox if you're playing as a female charachter?

Post by tenel_ka »

If you're playing as a female character on xbox, can you have a "romance" with a male character? I know it's possible to have sumpin' going on between the male characters and Bastilla... I was a little disappointed something more didn't develop between my character and Carth. ;) I'm anxious to see what happens in KOTOR II.

I've never played an RPG before, they never interested me, but this game, is unbelievably awesome. Well worth buying the xbox for! :)
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Post by AVENGER »

Well, with a female I've only gotten to tatooine so I couldn't really answer any specifics but from what I've heard you can develop the same thing as with bastila and the main character as carth and the main character if you're female...
Somebody from somethin somethin...
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Post by tenel_ka »


Well, from everything I've read, it seems the only way to have some sort of "relationship" develop between Carth and the female character is by playing on the PC. I did manage to find some great fan fiction stories that "sum up" what happens after the end. If you're not through the game, DON'T read them, it will most definitely spoil the game for you.

Hope you are enjoying! I can't even begin to tell you what a great game KOTOR is! I'm still thinking about it... ;)
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They call me Darth...

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Post by Selaana »

bah, humbug

I just finished the game (finally), and while I really loved all other aspects of the game, this is the part that really left me feeling gypped. Be warned... it is NOT the same for male and female characters. The romantic interest between Carth and a female character just... vanishes. Poof. Which really bites, since a friend told me how the relationship between a male character and Bastila is vital to the ending. But once you finish Carth's side quest (even before that, really), all those great romantic clashes that made me enjoy the game so much more than any other I've played in a long time just stopped. Talk about dropping the ball!

I wasn't expecting fireworks (though what I've heard about male characters and the slave quarters seems awfully unfair, though I haven't tried a male character so that's only hearsay for me), but I really loved the interaction between my character and Carth. I loved how they'd yell at each other. I loved how my choices could practically make him tear his hair out at the beginning. And I hated how suddenly he became about as responsive (and as interesting) as the Wookie. Suddenly one of the things that I loved best about playing the game disappeared without warning or reason. So I finished the game and felt ultimately unfulfilled. Which is doubly sad cause the ending kicks major butt in all other aspects.

Games are already too gender biased. I was expecting so much more from Bioware and LucasArts. More women are playing (and buying) games, and this is the kind of game that most of them would really enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I love the game. I love the interface. I love the graphics. I love the game mechanics. I love the story. I love watching the baddies fall under the blade of my 'saber. But it still left me feeling gypped and cheated at the end. I could make a very sarcastic comment about the typical male 'great romantic lead in but the inevitable lack of followthrough/satisfaction', but I won't. Oh, wait, I just did! :p

So enjoy the first half of the game, because the last half will leave you high and dry. At least on the romantic front.
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Post by Selaana »

hey, tenel_ka!

Where'd you find the fan fiction? Got a link? I'd love to read it. Maybe then I won't feel so unsatisfied.

Heh, the jokes that brings to mind are just way, way too easy....

Seriously though, if they're posted, tell me where? Thanks!
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Post by Aenon Jurtis »


If you're playing as a female character on xbox, can you have a "romance" with a male character? I know it's possible to have sumpin' going on between the male characters and Bastilla... I was a little disappointed something more didn't develop between my character and Carth. ;) I'm anxious to see what happens in KOTOR II.

I've never played an RPG before, they never interested me, but this game, is unbelievably awesome. Well worth buying the xbox for! :)

WEll xbox is quite good i mean if you are into that romance stuff i was a guy a first. i wanted to see what would happen to a gril if there was different dialog but there was with carth you are right he called the caracter "beautiful" and your character can flirt for a few seconds but that is it im a guy and i thought that it was interesting that they didnt add more romance to the girl character so i agree with you. :)
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