well, i am playing vampire bloodlines, but i am not able to go on playing cause i dont get what i have to do.
here's my prob:
right now i am in chinatown, i went to this kind of big syndicate building where they catch me and do some tests on me with light, lasers, blades and what else might come.
i am stuck in the third room. there are 3 big "blade machines" (dont know how to call them), which are rotating in that room.
this chinese guy is saying smth like "i wanna see how you vampires regenerate" but i dont get the clue how to leave that room or what i have to do, to open that door.
[QUOTE=AnnoyedMalkav]Gr8 I dont have a pervious save or a gun so am i going to have to restart the game, THANK YOU GAME DESIGNERS [/QUOTE]
You even dont have an autosave?
Never delete those things!
The cage bars protectiing the switches?? are destructible, several hits should destroy them and you can then hit the switches??. Word of advice the end game requires a gun for one of the baddies and quite a bit of ammunition.