The hunter in Asp Pit is from Highlander TV series(just how sad is it that I know that). And I'm making a wild quess that Ash is some real life celebrity...
My fav Easter Egg is the computer with a blue error screen including a funny text on it. It can be located down in the warrens(for those that didn't know).
Brings back memories from the good 'ol Windows95 days where I always used to get those error messages.
[QUOTE=_tmp_]The hunter in Asp Pit is from Highlander TV series(just how sad is it that I know that). And I'm making a wild quess that Ash is some real life celebrity...[/QUOTE]
i saw some1 in the credits named Daniel Ash - maybe related
and there was so many laughs at the Lan shop in hollywood - so funny
Well there is also the obvious Zombie shootout spree side quest given by a ghoul named Romero in the Hollywood cemetery. Like the George Romero who directed those cornerstone horror movies "night of the living dead" and "Zombies". Also the prince's agent in Santa Monica is called Mercurio like a treacherous cappadocian vampire in Prague in the first game Redemption. And finally, pliers and torch (that could be attached to Marcellus quote in "pulp fiction") are also mentionned in Hannah's "appointment" book as the special treat of Vandal, the obnoxious bastard that sells vampire blood in the bloodbank (god I hate that creep !)
There's also the password "Gil Bates" in Mitnick (like Kevin Mitnick the famous hacker !..) that refers to Arcanum major plot character (who was meant to be a joke about Bill Gates !..) and finally in that same quest the file in the first computer is called Shrecknet like Maximilian Shreck, the actor who played the vampire in Murnau's Nosferatu !.. Dang I love those Troika guys