Giovanni & the book quest
Giovanni & the book quest
Ok,can anyone help me a bit where & what should i do to get the book from giovanni mansion
To get the book you need to go into the mansion, step in through the door straight ahead into the big room with many people. In there you go to the right and speak to a girl over there, get here to show you a secret and then just follow her. Or if you canät get her to show you a secret you go through the right door and then straight through the next door (don't remember if you need to picklock it). In that room, which looks like a library, you need to go to the far right and pull a sword on the wall. A secret door will open, follow the tunnel down to a room with a sarcophagus-like thing in the middle. The book is down to the right in this room.
There are also secret passages behind the walls all over the mansion, one of which leads to the room with the sword on the wall. The doors are not locked, and you can infact open them in the very first room of the house without beeing seen by anyone. All you gotta do is look real careful
Stand your back against mine, and we shall carry the weight of the world