For my current sorceror he's already reached the max spell ability (for SOA) and due to my spell decisions I've noticed there are some things where he is rather lacking. Although he's very powerful and I've been able to do all the missions I've tried with perserverance I've been rethinking my spell choices and would like some other people's thoughts and opinions.
Solo Sorceror - Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn (Without BG1 or BG 2: Throne or Bhaal) Exp Cap Removed
(Firstly is the spell level and the amount of spells I'm allowed per level at max casting ability)
Current Spell Decisions
Level 1 - 5
Magic Missile
Chromatic Orb
Protection from Evil
Burning Hands?
Level 2 - 5
Mirror Image
Acid Arrow
Resist Fear
Level 3 - 4
Melf's Minute Meteors
Vampiric Touch
Skull Trap
Level 4 - 4
Stone Skin
Greater Malison
Wizard Eye
Minor Sequencer?
Secret Word?
Level 5 - 4
Animate Dead
Spell Immunity
Spell Deflection?
Spell Breach?
Level 6 - 3
Death Spell
Protection from Magic Weapons
Ture Sight
Level 7 - 3
Project Image
Morkainen's Sword
Khelben's Warding Whip
Level 8 - 3
Abi-Dalzims Horrid Whilting
Pierce Magic
Spell Trigger
Level 9 - 3
Time Stop?
Wail of the Banshee?
The ones with question marks next to them are spells I'm not sure about having and open to alternate suggestions for, also I've placed the spells in roughly the order of preferance and priority.
Please Take into consideration higher level spells and ways to help overcome shortcomings. The spells I really want some input on are level 9 spells since they're all really good and in truth I find time spot not exactly that useful...