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Questions about kensai/mage, limited wish, equipment, etc. Please help !

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Post by Nimiety »

I didn't believe it until I saw it - four identical characters with 12 wisdom and int's of 9, 12, 16 and 8 could all cast the same number of spells of the same levels - no difference. Is there no other real effect, other than % to scribe scroll, like spell success, or anything else?
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Post by Qwinn »

Nimiety, as was already pointed out, it also limits the number of spells of a given level you can have in your spell book. If it weren't for potions of genius, it would be a pretty harsh limit too, however, yes, with those potions you can get around it and scribe as many as you want.

Beyond that and scribe %, no other real effect I'm aware of.

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Post by Nimiety »

Sorry Qwinn, yes, I knew that part, thanks though.

Strange that the handbook lists effects that aren't implimented in the game.
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Post by Qwinn »

"Strange that the handbook lists effects that aren't implimented in the game."

Well, if you implemented rules like "int determines highest castable spell level", Edwin would be the only mage worth taking into TOB. I don't really have too much of a problem with the way they implemented the rules, but one could make a strong argument that the inclusion of the genius potions was what really "broke" it, assuming you would consider it broken. I'm 50/50 on that one, though at the same time I don't think it's an exploit to use them, it's pretty clearly "as intended".

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Post by UserUnfriendly »

lots of unintentional and undocumented things in the game...

for example, mirror image protects you from area effect spells like cloudkill.

mislead blinks between true and improved invisibility, allowing you to backstab over and over again

if you use certain abilities like deathblow or poison with area effect weapons, you can effect everyone in the weapon radius

you can cast vampiric touch/lacoch minor drain on inanimate objects or yourself, and recieve hit points

g acuity works with abilites like g whirlwind and crit strike, allowing you to crit strike 10 times in one round

if you have fire resistance over 100% you will actually be healed walking around inside a incindiary cloud

if you have a regen item, or the spell active, improved haste will make you heal twice as quickly

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Post by LotharBot »

I always try to give my characters INT of either 6, 11, 16, or 18.

If my character is a mage, I always take 18 INT -- it's just a pain to have to search for potions and chug them whenever I want to write a scroll.

If my character is not a mage, then I try to get just enough INT to take one more mind flayer hit, and since they drain 5 INT at a time, 6, 11, and 16 are the ideal levels.
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