[QUOTE=moltovir]As the title says, I have some questions about various mods which I hope you can answer
1) Can anyone send me Morrowind Additions Revamped? I searched half a day until I found a download link, but it was buggy.[/quote]
How is it buggy, and where did you download it from?
2) Some time ago, I read about a mod that adds random encounters at night, like thugs and thieves in the city or vampires in the other regios, but I completely forgot the mod's name. Does anyone remember such a mod?
Sounds like any of three mods. Zappara's Disturb the Dead brings out a ton of different dead (or undead, if you like) at night, usually away from urban areas. Morrowind Comes Alive will also add some urban and rural encounters, and if you're jumped by an assassin in town, some MCA NPCs such as crusaders and warriors will leap to your defense. As Wrath points out, SuperAdventurers adds a few living (and dead) encounters, mainly to unguarded city areas at night. I've been attacked by pickpockets and vampire rogues walking around Vivec after dark. Very nice.
3) I noticed something weird: instead of dropping their usual loot (the weapons they wield) all Dremora's and Golden Saints drop common silver weapons when killed, even if they were clearly wielding something else. I suspect a mod changed this, but it is a little difficult to tell which mod does what when you have almost 150 installed... Does anyone know which mod might have changed this?
Tough one. That could be any mod which attempts to tweak game balance. Many mods that do other things do this, as well. For what it's worth, I suggest trying R's Daedric Loot Adjustment. It's available at Morrowind Summit, but there's no direct link; just search the mod database under the author, R, or the title. Be sure you load it towards the end (if you have a utility like TEStool, you can modify its time) of your mod list, so it overrides whatever is causing that effect you want to remove.