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Where are the tourists/aventurers etc.???

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robot flux
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Where are the tourists/aventurers etc.???

Post by robot flux »

The game is seriously lacking regular people walking around the cities. For example, I would imagine that people walk between Caldera and Balmora for business, tourists or just for fun. But I can't see any. And the cities/villages are lacking regular houses. I believe 70% of all building are more or less important. Where are the houses of the commoners? Of course there are some, but not enough. I belive that this is the biggest problem in this already great game.

For example, there should be more adventurers roaming the lands. It's so hard to believe that there's only one person (the player) with his/her über-unique stuff.

Some1 should do something about it, and I'm not going to be it. :p
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well.. SUPER Adventures 3... it adds some warriors mages and rogues..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=robot flux]Some1 should do something about it, and I'm not going to be it. :p [/QUOTE]

Been done: Morrowind Comes Alive. To quote from the author's readme:

"Randomly adds over 900 types of NPCs to over 300 cells to bring Morrowind to life. Uses leveled lists so that what NPC spawns where is random, and what they're wearing and carrying is random. Once spawned, the NPCs then have a 20% chance of disappearing when you leave the cell they're in, so a new NPC will appear when you come back later. This means they are on a constant 'rotation', simulating people traveling to and from towns, and going in and out of the inns, shops, guilds etc. The aim of the mod is to alleviate the 'staticness' of the Morrowind world, which is a major (and dare I say well-founded) complaint about the game.

Look for the new NPCs in the streets, in temples, taverns, shops, forts, shrines, guildhalls, camps, and even Daedric ruins. You will also encounter a number of NPCs in the wilderness, including parties of travelers, adventurers and bandits, hostile and peaceful Ashlanders, traveling merchants and parties of Ordinators and Armigers on Red Mountain. All NPCs (excepting beast races) have new heads and hair by Rhedd and Allie, Zul, Gorg, Arathrax, Hellkitty, Emma, Eternum, Astarsis, Don Salus and TheSiriusSnape (plus a few simple re-textures by myself).

Lastly, these new NPCs are all compatible with mods such as 'Give Your Orders', 'Dracandros' Voice' and 'Vampire Embrace', meaning you can recruit them without having to worry about them disappearing when you change cells, as their scripts automatically disable if they happen to enter follow mode."

It also adds many kinds of recruitable NPC companions. I started using the mod about 2 months ago, and really enjoy it.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

But all that requires Bloodmoon and Tribunal..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by fable »

True, but many of us have the official add-ons. Mind, I'm not badmouthing SuperAdventurers, which I've used for half-a-year and really enjoy; but it's emphasis is not on more NPCs, but on general tweaks in many areas. If you've got the add-ons, MCA's the way to go.
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Post by robot flux »

nice! that's what I have been waiting for! thnx!!!111 one one one shift + 1
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Post by paulsbo »

See, Daggerfall went the opposite direction with huge cities that take forever to travel across, npcs all over the place, and every dungeon and much of the wilderness was randomly generated to give new content every time you visited. Although there was a ton to do and see, you could assume that about 95% of the content in the game felt unimportant and insignificant.

In Morrowind, everything you see is static, and this brings the problems we're talking about. Hopefully with Oblivion, they'll find a nice sweet spot in the middle.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=paulsbo]See, Daggerfall went the opposite direction with huge cities that take forever to travel across, npcs all over the place, and every dungeon and much of the wilderness was randomly generated to give new content every time you visited. Although there was a ton to do and see, you could assume that about 95% of the content in the game felt unimportant and insignificant.[/quote]

That's a very good summation of it.

In Morrowind, everything you see is static, and this brings the problems we're talking about. Hopefully with Oblivion, they'll find a nice sweet spot in the middle.

The Bethsoft team has watched the modding community carefully. The most notable new features are drawn from existing mods, and one of 'em is MCA. There are also roughly 2000 NPCs with at least some distinctive verbal content. But what I really want--and will probably not get--is factions and houses that are engaged in activities which proceed forward whether you're involved, or not.
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