I'm starting this thread in order to keep from hijacking another one. I'm not looking to start a huge fight or flaming fest, I was just curious on what other's take was on cheating and whether or not you do it.
Topics of cheating:
1) DaleKeeper
2) Squatting
3) Muling
4) Weidu's mods
5) Other
With any game, I think there are things that get skipped, left out, etc. I am always on the outlook for patches and mods for most of my games. I guess ideally, cheating in a game would be doing anything outside of what the developers intended, altering the game in a manner to exercise something within the game to your benefit beyond what was intended by the developers.
1)With IWD 2, the biggest tool that comes to mind is DaleKeeperII. I've used, but I don't abuse it. I've used it to alter stats (moving skill points from one skill to another where both were allowable by the classes of my character). In my current game, I use DaleKeeper to take some of my levels that I have squatted. My level 9 Monk at the end of chapter 2 had 13 levels squatted. Realistically, if I took all 13 levels at once, I probably wouldn't see another xp from a monster until chapter 4 or 5. But I felt I need some help, so I used it to advance three levels and resume my game w/ the xp that I left chapter 2 with.
2) Level squatting could very easily be considered cheating, because by doing so, you are consuming more xp per kill than you should be (once you're average party level is 7 or higher). This to me is an abuse of the game, it's doing something that wasn't originally intended. But to counteract, I feel that not taking the level ups when they occur means you are fighting a lower level than you should be. However, IMO, this differs when you are using less than 4 characters because now when the game would decide how much xp you should gain, you are deciding. Yes, your character is lower than he/she should be, but more than likely you are more powerful than you would be if your character was a member of a party of 6.
3) Muling pretty much falls into the same category as level squatting. I think there is also two types of muling. One is active and the other is inactive. The active method is where someone adds a character that they are going to eventually promote and use. Inactive is adding a character just to bring down your party's average level. IMO, active muling is not so much as cheating. You can even justify it from a rp perspective by saying you picked up so and so in a tavern and they wanted to come along. Inactive muling is a more blantant abuse of the system because ideally you are adding a character that has no purpose other than to increase the amount of xp you gain from a fight. These characters are typically not ones that you continue on with throughout the game. I believe they come and go. But is it in different than squatting? I can't really say. I am not sure how I feel about the different levels of cheating.
4) Weidu's mods. Again, I feel this is another gray area. Yes, it's easy to consider them cheats, because you do receive benefits from them, but you get decide which benefits you want to use. In my solo Monk game, I have the bottomless container mod, infinite stacking, deep gnome fix, collector's edition stuff mod and additional merchant mod. I justify using these because I'm using a solo Deep Gnome. Using a solo character, you get a lot of stuff and I like to make as much money as I can b/c w/ the additional merchant mod, the guy in Targos has some good, but very expensive stuff (I'm looking at HOF mode). The deep gnome fix seems almost like a common sense. All of the other races start out 1000 xp shy of level 2 except for the deep gnome. Why on earth did the developers do that? Is it not enough that they are ECL +3? Yes the deep gnomes get some great benefits and their xp table is a representive of an offset to the benefits, but a typical solo character only ends up at level 5 by the time you level Targos. If you're deep gnome needs 6000 xp to get to level 2, I can see Targos being somewhat of a struggle. So IMO, I feel the deep gnome mod is only something to fix what the developers missed.
5) I put this on here because I know there are probably some things I missed but wanted to address as a whole. The thing that comes to mind for me is fighting the beetles outside of Oswald's ship in the start of chapter 2. From what I can tell, the fight could be endless. I ended up killing over 25 of these beetles only because I couldn't kill them fast enough. So it makes wonder how long I could have continued if I didn't attack the nest. My monk was high enough that he very rarely got hit and I had an over abudance of healing potions if it got down to it. Another part that is not as obivious as this is outside of the Goblin Fortress where you have the Sharman's beating the drums. Ideally, once you killed off all of their couterparts, you could stand next to the Sharman and just take out the Wrog Riders that get generated. This also seems like it would be endless, although it did seem to take a lot longer for the Wrog Riders to appear than the beetles in Chapter 2.
So in the end, do I cheat? Yes, I do, but in my mind, I try to keep at a minimum so that it doesn't take away from the game. I squat levels because I like getting as much xp as I can. I use DaleKeeper to take some of the levels that I have experienced, but I don't feel I abuse it. The temptation is there to bump up a few stats here and there, but then I know I didn't earn it and the game would be come less fun walking about with a solo Monk who had 255 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS and CHA. As far as Weidu's mods, I use some because I don't like to leave anything behind and any oppertunity that I can get to shop at a merchant for some cool stuff, I'll take it. Although this could easily turn the tide, I'm watching what I buy. I definitely don't want my solo Monk to become an ubber Monk just because of some weapon he bought. Ideally, I would only like to use what I find from dead bodies and chests, but sometimes you don't find much that you can use. The rest will be sold for potions since I can't cast spells (outside of Mirror Image, Blur and Invisibility).
Topics of cheating:
1) DaleKeeper
2) Squatting
3) Muling
4) Weidu's mods
5) Other
With any game, I think there are things that get skipped, left out, etc. I am always on the outlook for patches and mods for most of my games. I guess ideally, cheating in a game would be doing anything outside of what the developers intended, altering the game in a manner to exercise something within the game to your benefit beyond what was intended by the developers.
1)With IWD 2, the biggest tool that comes to mind is DaleKeeperII. I've used, but I don't abuse it. I've used it to alter stats (moving skill points from one skill to another where both were allowable by the classes of my character). In my current game, I use DaleKeeper to take some of my levels that I have squatted. My level 9 Monk at the end of chapter 2 had 13 levels squatted. Realistically, if I took all 13 levels at once, I probably wouldn't see another xp from a monster until chapter 4 or 5. But I felt I need some help, so I used it to advance three levels and resume my game w/ the xp that I left chapter 2 with.
2) Level squatting could very easily be considered cheating, because by doing so, you are consuming more xp per kill than you should be (once you're average party level is 7 or higher). This to me is an abuse of the game, it's doing something that wasn't originally intended. But to counteract, I feel that not taking the level ups when they occur means you are fighting a lower level than you should be. However, IMO, this differs when you are using less than 4 characters because now when the game would decide how much xp you should gain, you are deciding. Yes, your character is lower than he/she should be, but more than likely you are more powerful than you would be if your character was a member of a party of 6.
3) Muling pretty much falls into the same category as level squatting. I think there is also two types of muling. One is active and the other is inactive. The active method is where someone adds a character that they are going to eventually promote and use. Inactive is adding a character just to bring down your party's average level. IMO, active muling is not so much as cheating. You can even justify it from a rp perspective by saying you picked up so and so in a tavern and they wanted to come along. Inactive muling is a more blantant abuse of the system because ideally you are adding a character that has no purpose other than to increase the amount of xp you gain from a fight. These characters are typically not ones that you continue on with throughout the game. I believe they come and go. But is it in different than squatting? I can't really say. I am not sure how I feel about the different levels of cheating.
4) Weidu's mods. Again, I feel this is another gray area. Yes, it's easy to consider them cheats, because you do receive benefits from them, but you get decide which benefits you want to use. In my solo Monk game, I have the bottomless container mod, infinite stacking, deep gnome fix, collector's edition stuff mod and additional merchant mod. I justify using these because I'm using a solo Deep Gnome. Using a solo character, you get a lot of stuff and I like to make as much money as I can b/c w/ the additional merchant mod, the guy in Targos has some good, but very expensive stuff (I'm looking at HOF mode). The deep gnome fix seems almost like a common sense. All of the other races start out 1000 xp shy of level 2 except for the deep gnome. Why on earth did the developers do that? Is it not enough that they are ECL +3? Yes the deep gnomes get some great benefits and their xp table is a representive of an offset to the benefits, but a typical solo character only ends up at level 5 by the time you level Targos. If you're deep gnome needs 6000 xp to get to level 2, I can see Targos being somewhat of a struggle. So IMO, I feel the deep gnome mod is only something to fix what the developers missed.
5) I put this on here because I know there are probably some things I missed but wanted to address as a whole. The thing that comes to mind for me is fighting the beetles outside of Oswald's ship in the start of chapter 2. From what I can tell, the fight could be endless. I ended up killing over 25 of these beetles only because I couldn't kill them fast enough. So it makes wonder how long I could have continued if I didn't attack the nest. My monk was high enough that he very rarely got hit and I had an over abudance of healing potions if it got down to it. Another part that is not as obivious as this is outside of the Goblin Fortress where you have the Sharman's beating the drums. Ideally, once you killed off all of their couterparts, you could stand next to the Sharman and just take out the Wrog Riders that get generated. This also seems like it would be endless, although it did seem to take a lot longer for the Wrog Riders to appear than the beetles in Chapter 2.
So in the end, do I cheat? Yes, I do, but in my mind, I try to keep at a minimum so that it doesn't take away from the game. I squat levels because I like getting as much xp as I can. I use DaleKeeper to take some of the levels that I have experienced, but I don't feel I abuse it. The temptation is there to bump up a few stats here and there, but then I know I didn't earn it and the game would be come less fun walking about with a solo Monk who had 255 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS and CHA. As far as Weidu's mods, I use some because I don't like to leave anything behind and any oppertunity that I can get to shop at a merchant for some cool stuff, I'll take it. Although this could easily turn the tide, I'm watching what I buy. I definitely don't want my solo Monk to become an ubber Monk just because of some weapon he bought. Ideally, I would only like to use what I find from dead bodies and chests, but sometimes you don't find much that you can use. The rest will be sold for potions since I can't cast spells (outside of Mirror Image, Blur and Invisibility).
- Wrath-Of-Egg
- Posts: 1147
- Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:30 am
- Location: Finland.. or on that other place..
POINT IN ALL THIS? I dont belive that there is one..
It is just personal.. and do what ever you want... and no one can come and say that it is wrong..
If you enjoy doing some certain things.. then no one has right to say that you cant do those things..
Personally this whole thread feels pointless.. Yes you can talk about what you belive is right and wrong.. but still..
And you forgot Bard songs..
It is just personal.. and do what ever you want... and no one can come and say that it is wrong..
If you enjoy doing some certain things.. then no one has right to say that you cant do those things..
Personally this whole thread feels pointless.. Yes you can talk about what you belive is right and wrong.. but still..
And you forgot Bard songs..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
I disagree with Egg, I think it's interesting to see what others think. Personally I consider using DK2 to alter stats or levels blatant cheating. Same with Inactive Muling. Level Squatting is a little different - here you are essentially trading of getting the benefit of leveling up against the extra XP you get. It's not a blatant cheat, you lose something to gain something, delayed short term benefit for greater long term - sort of like getting interest on your money rather than buying that xbox now
The Weidu mods are another story. Personally I use many of the same ones nec does. The extra items are fun, although some are too powerful (Tsuki no-ken anyone?). All the extra Druid spells and wildshapes are fun, but overpowered, rediculously so in Normal. Some of these I'd consider cheating, the Wildshapes and extra druid spells particularly. These make the Druid a superclass that can cast serious offensive spells in armour, wildshape into combat owning creatures and get twice the HP of wizards and Sorc's with a better base attack and the ability to heal itself. Just way too much. Some of the spells yes, and I agree that the existing wildshapes are in general too weak, but these mods just unbalance things too much. Ditto the 'improved bastard swords'
The Weidu mods are another story. Personally I use many of the same ones nec does. The extra items are fun, although some are too powerful (Tsuki no-ken anyone?). All the extra Druid spells and wildshapes are fun, but overpowered, rediculously so in Normal. Some of these I'd consider cheating, the Wildshapes and extra druid spells particularly. These make the Druid a superclass that can cast serious offensive spells in armour, wildshape into combat owning creatures and get twice the HP of wizards and Sorc's with a better base attack and the ability to heal itself. Just way too much. Some of the spells yes, and I agree that the existing wildshapes are in general too weak, but these mods just unbalance things too much. Ditto the 'improved bastard swords'
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- Wrath-Of-Egg
- Posts: 1147
- Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:30 am
- Location: Finland.. or on that other place..
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Personally this whole thread feels pointless.. Yes you can talk about what you belive is right and wrong.. but still..
So this thread isnt pointless? and we cant talk on what we belive is right and wrong..![Stick Out Tongue :P](./images/smilies/)
So this thread isnt pointless? and we cant talk on what we belive is right and wrong..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
- silverdragon72
- Posts: 850
- Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:53 am
- Contact:
first I think everyone should play a game as he likes - so this thread shouldn't condemn or judge about players who don't play the out of the box version...
...but on the other hand I think a thread discussing about what is cheating prevents statements like: "I beat HOF battlesquare with my level 8 barb without any problems!"
think you should differ between:
- mods
- EXP strategies
- in game tactics
1. Dalekeeper 2
wouldn't say using DKII is generally cheating - but only for the reason that IWD2 has some bugs - so you could run in a situation where you need DK2 to go further ahead - or to get things you should get if the game would run correctly!
...also DK2 could help if a new player finds out in Kuldahar that he made some party or PC-building mistakes and don't want to start a new game: "why can't my wizard cast level 3 spells with 12 INT and 18 WIS?!"
but editing stats you couldn't also get while creating a PC is cheating from my point of view!
...also using DKII for level-squatting purposes - but later on this issue!
2. mods
there are mods I wouldn't call cheating at all - e.g. the undead targos mod:
extremly challenging, less EXP then you would get without and you don't get any powerfull extra items.
- ignoring allignement restrictions: cheating!
- bottomless bags and infinite stacking: don't make your party more powerfull, just keeping your inventory management on an acceptable level!
- imp. bastard swords: difficult issue - BS is the only weapon category that doesn't have any good weapons - and is the only one that needs an extra feat! So from my D&D understanding a BS should always be the 2nd best weapon available in a game (best should always be a paladin-only sword
) so I think it's ok to add some BS that are more powerfull but still a little bit weaker then cera sumat.
And at this points starts the problem: some of the BS you get with the mod are overpowered or to early in the game available!
If you buy fang with 5D6 acid damage at targos for only 16.000 gold this will be quite imbalancing... I think it's up to the player which of these imp. BS he uses and when he use them...
I don't use the +5D6 "whatever" BS nor the undead slayer, but I use wroth when I found it, started using bastards son at the end of the ice-tempel and will use BS of heroism if I find it!
bonus merchant: as this is on the official collectors edition bonus CD - no cheating!
Magic Weapon Finesse: should be implemented right away from the beginning from my point of view!
Some Heart of Fury Items in Normal Mode: cheating - cause completely overpowered from my point of view
All Items Identified: hmmm...-...who needs/uses this ?
Include Forgotten Armor and Shields: as the title says: forgotten - so should be in anyway
Armor and Shields Provide Damage Resistance: don't use this - but as it gives the bonus to you *and* your enemies it should be ok to use it
Additional Druid Spells: it would make sense that these spells are available for a druid, and I don't think that they make the druid to powerfull - but on the other hand who needs them ? I have installed them - but never used them - cause I never needed them!
Alternate Shapeshifting: very cool - but much to powerfull in normal mode - but I think I will use some of these shapeshifts in HOF!
Deep Gnome xp fix: should be ok from my point of view that all races starts with 1000 EXP to go to level 2!
BG2 bonus merchant: think it depends on what you take - the equalizer is to powerfull from my point of view, but I take the drow armor (not better then Drakkas) and can't resist to take the Tsuki no-ken but only uses it after finishing dragon eye. Have to admit Tsuki no-ken is quite powerfull - but not better then the bracen bands, every gods ring or cera sumat from my point of view and don't has an immense damage output.
Luck and freedom of movement you could cast on your PC anyway - but it's still a nice to have as item effects - and without these effects the Tsuki no-ken is not much better then the golden heart...
3. EXP strategies
muling: don't think that it's cheating if you don't have all PCs on the same level - but two level 20 PC and 3 or 4 level 1 PCs is just ridiculous !!! I would say as long as the lowest level PC has at least half of the level of the highest one it's ok - also if you add new PCs at a later point of the game - but then keep them and level them up!
level-squatting: you gain and you lose something: you get more EXP as long as you don't level up but the the game is also much harder!
After taking the squatted levels, you get less or even no EXP at all and the game is easier
...and you can't MC-if you level up - so level-squatting has some severe disadvantages...
...*but* if you use DK2 to avoid these disadvantages I would call it cheating!
camping & extreme bug/yeti killing: as the game allows to do so - no cheating - but if abused I would call it cheesy
4. in-game tactics: there are also some tactics I wouldn't call cheating but cheesy
- ORS-abuse
- dublicating items (cheating)
- stacking bard songs
- extreme & pure decoy builds
- ...
...btw.all these points should be considered as only my personal point of view!!!
first I think everyone should play a game as he likes - so this thread shouldn't condemn or judge about players who don't play the out of the box version...
...but on the other hand I think a thread discussing about what is cheating prevents statements like: "I beat HOF battlesquare with my level 8 barb without any problems!"
think you should differ between:
- mods
- EXP strategies
- in game tactics
1. Dalekeeper 2
wouldn't say using DKII is generally cheating - but only for the reason that IWD2 has some bugs - so you could run in a situation where you need DK2 to go further ahead - or to get things you should get if the game would run correctly!
...also DK2 could help if a new player finds out in Kuldahar that he made some party or PC-building mistakes and don't want to start a new game: "why can't my wizard cast level 3 spells with 12 INT and 18 WIS?!"
but editing stats you couldn't also get while creating a PC is cheating from my point of view!
...also using DKII for level-squatting purposes - but later on this issue!
2. mods
there are mods I wouldn't call cheating at all - e.g. the undead targos mod:
extremly challenging, less EXP then you would get without and you don't get any powerfull extra items.
- ignoring allignement restrictions: cheating!
- bottomless bags and infinite stacking: don't make your party more powerfull, just keeping your inventory management on an acceptable level!
- imp. bastard swords: difficult issue - BS is the only weapon category that doesn't have any good weapons - and is the only one that needs an extra feat! So from my D&D understanding a BS should always be the 2nd best weapon available in a game (best should always be a paladin-only sword
And at this points starts the problem: some of the BS you get with the mod are overpowered or to early in the game available!
If you buy fang with 5D6 acid damage at targos for only 16.000 gold this will be quite imbalancing... I think it's up to the player which of these imp. BS he uses and when he use them...
I don't use the +5D6 "whatever" BS nor the undead slayer, but I use wroth when I found it, started using bastards son at the end of the ice-tempel and will use BS of heroism if I find it!
bonus merchant: as this is on the official collectors edition bonus CD - no cheating!
Magic Weapon Finesse: should be implemented right away from the beginning from my point of view!
Some Heart of Fury Items in Normal Mode: cheating - cause completely overpowered from my point of view
All Items Identified: hmmm...-...who needs/uses this ?
Include Forgotten Armor and Shields: as the title says: forgotten - so should be in anyway
Armor and Shields Provide Damage Resistance: don't use this - but as it gives the bonus to you *and* your enemies it should be ok to use it
Additional Druid Spells: it would make sense that these spells are available for a druid, and I don't think that they make the druid to powerfull - but on the other hand who needs them ? I have installed them - but never used them - cause I never needed them!
Alternate Shapeshifting: very cool - but much to powerfull in normal mode - but I think I will use some of these shapeshifts in HOF!
Deep Gnome xp fix: should be ok from my point of view that all races starts with 1000 EXP to go to level 2!
BG2 bonus merchant: think it depends on what you take - the equalizer is to powerfull from my point of view, but I take the drow armor (not better then Drakkas) and can't resist to take the Tsuki no-ken but only uses it after finishing dragon eye. Have to admit Tsuki no-ken is quite powerfull - but not better then the bracen bands, every gods ring or cera sumat from my point of view and don't has an immense damage output.
Luck and freedom of movement you could cast on your PC anyway - but it's still a nice to have as item effects - and without these effects the Tsuki no-ken is not much better then the golden heart...
3. EXP strategies
muling: don't think that it's cheating if you don't have all PCs on the same level - but two level 20 PC and 3 or 4 level 1 PCs is just ridiculous !!! I would say as long as the lowest level PC has at least half of the level of the highest one it's ok - also if you add new PCs at a later point of the game - but then keep them and level them up!
level-squatting: you gain and you lose something: you get more EXP as long as you don't level up but the the game is also much harder!
After taking the squatted levels, you get less or even no EXP at all and the game is easier
...and you can't MC-if you level up - so level-squatting has some severe disadvantages...
...*but* if you use DK2 to avoid these disadvantages I would call it cheating!
camping & extreme bug/yeti killing: as the game allows to do so - no cheating - but if abused I would call it cheesy
4. in-game tactics: there are also some tactics I wouldn't call cheating but cheesy
- ORS-abuse
- dublicating items (cheating)
- stacking bard songs
- extreme & pure decoy builds
- ...
...btw.all these points should be considered as only my personal point of view!!!
- Wrath-Of-Egg
- Posts: 1147
- Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:30 am
- Location: Finland.. or on that other place..
§1#ORS abuse?
§2# ignoring allignement restrictions: cheating!
-I am shocked..
Well i serisuly doubt that would be cheating.. that is best thing to create roleplaying characters like Chaotic evil paladin.. who is only paladin becuse his/hers father wanted so and he/she will get large (well when someone dies and says you will get large sum of money for being paladin) But becuse that father of his/hers wont die.. and he/she is anyway bored in his/hers life he/she takes ship to north
§2# ignoring allignement restrictions: cheating!
-I am shocked..
Well i serisuly doubt that would be cheating.. that is best thing to create roleplaying characters like Chaotic evil paladin.. who is only paladin becuse his/hers father wanted so and he/she will get large (well when someone dies and says you will get large sum of money for being paladin) But becuse that father of his/hers wont die.. and he/she is anyway bored in his/hers life he/she takes ship to north
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
- silverdragon72
- Posts: 850
- Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:53 am
- Contact:
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]§1#ORS abuse?
§2# ignoring allignement restrictions: cheating!
-I am shocked..
Well i serisuly doubt that would be cheating.. that is best thing to create roleplaying characters like Chaotic evil paladin.. who is only paladin becuse his/hers father wanted so and he/she will get large (well when someone dies and says you will get large sum of money for being paladin) But becuse that father of his/hers wont die.. and he/she is anyway bored in his/hers life he/she takes ship to north[/QUOTE]
1. ORS-abuse: cast ORS on one of your PCs - let him run in the middle of your enemies - all enemies will beat on him but can't harm him - rest of your party casts spells from a distance - quite annoying tactics cause the AI is just to dumb !
2. ok - there should be fallen paladins implemented - you can't get in IWD2 - but a fallen paladin looses all of his abilities granted by his god - so he's nothing more then an evil fighter !
btw. this keeps you away from build very strange MC-build as paladin - barb or monk - bard and so on...
§2# ignoring allignement restrictions: cheating!
-I am shocked..
Well i serisuly doubt that would be cheating.. that is best thing to create roleplaying characters like Chaotic evil paladin.. who is only paladin becuse his/hers father wanted so and he/she will get large (well when someone dies and says you will get large sum of money for being paladin) But becuse that father of his/hers wont die.. and he/she is anyway bored in his/hers life he/she takes ship to north[/QUOTE]
1. ORS-abuse: cast ORS on one of your PCs - let him run in the middle of your enemies - all enemies will beat on him but can't harm him - rest of your party casts spells from a distance - quite annoying tactics cause the AI is just to dumb !
2. ok - there should be fallen paladins implemented - you can't get in IWD2 - but a fallen paladin looses all of his abilities granted by his god - so he's nothing more then an evil fighter !
btw. this keeps you away from build very strange MC-build as paladin - barb or monk - bard and so on...
- Wrath-Of-Egg
- Posts: 1147
- Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:30 am
- Location: Finland.. or on that other place..
[QUOTE=silverdragon72]1. ORS-abuse: cast ORS on one of your PCs - let him run in the middle of your enemies - all enemies will beat on him but can't harm him - rest of your party casts spells from a distance - quite annoying tactics cause the AI is just to dumb !
2. ok - there should be fallen paladins implemented - you can't get in IWD2 - but a fallen paladin looses all of his abilities granted by his god - so he's nothing more then an evil fighter !
btw. this keeps you away from build very strange MC-build as paladin - barb or monk - bard and so on...
1. Well yes AI is dumb... but still without that AI that spell would be useless..
And as for realism.. this game and Forgotten realms books..
On this game there always needs to be flashy effects..
If i remember correctly in forgotten realm books if mage cast some spell like that ''HERO'' most cases fighter will just keep hitting that thing until it comes down..
Still i realy dont have idea of what spell are you talking..
2. Strange build? Monk/Bard well when playeragenda was young he used to charm young girls with his voice and talent with lute.. and like all other young men in fantasy world he was born warrior.. so in D&D rules BARD.. but then due to some tragedy he diceded to spent rest of his life in quiet monastery..
Young Barbarian who had raised among barbarians.. OMFG!
Well he/she just admired noble life of paladins and so on..(i am sure how this will continue)
But as for aligment...
Now you are just looking at Evil and Good.. so how about reading descriptions too?
Here is one as sample...
Lawfull good dread master of bane..
Yes bane is evil god..
Yes lawfull good means good guy...
But then.. little bit realism..
He is raised among people who belive that certain things that others would say are wrong are good.. so one sample.. others say that apples are bad for you.. but you are raised to belive apples are good for you.
So i would say that Aligment has quite much to do with on how you are raised and such things..
2. ok - there should be fallen paladins implemented - you can't get in IWD2 - but a fallen paladin looses all of his abilities granted by his god - so he's nothing more then an evil fighter !
btw. this keeps you away from build very strange MC-build as paladin - barb or monk - bard and so on...
1. Well yes AI is dumb... but still without that AI that spell would be useless..
And as for realism.. this game and Forgotten realms books..
On this game there always needs to be flashy effects..
If i remember correctly in forgotten realm books if mage cast some spell like that ''HERO'' most cases fighter will just keep hitting that thing until it comes down..
Still i realy dont have idea of what spell are you talking..
2. Strange build? Monk/Bard well when playeragenda was young he used to charm young girls with his voice and talent with lute.. and like all other young men in fantasy world he was born warrior.. so in D&D rules BARD.. but then due to some tragedy he diceded to spent rest of his life in quiet monastery..
Young Barbarian who had raised among barbarians.. OMFG!
Well he/she just admired noble life of paladins and so on..(i am sure how this will continue)
But as for aligment...
Now you are just looking at Evil and Good.. so how about reading descriptions too?
Here is one as sample...
Lawfull good dread master of bane..
Yes bane is evil god..
Yes lawfull good means good guy...
But then.. little bit realism..
He is raised among people who belive that certain things that others would say are wrong are good.. so one sample.. others say that apples are bad for you.. but you are raised to belive apples are good for you.
So i would say that Aligment has quite much to do with on how you are raised and such things..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
- silverdragon72
- Posts: 850
- Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:53 am
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Interesting replies. I've always felt that based on your actions, your character's alignment should be able to be changed. Didn't the implement something in IWD where if you were a palladin and did a lot of bad things you could fall and lose the ability to progress a palladin? It would have been nice if they could have come up with some kind of point system where you could say True Neutral is 0 and depending on how your character reacts, you could gain/lose alignment points. Although this would kind of force you to be a little more roleplaying beyond just answering with what you think the character wants to hear, I still think it would have been a good idea.
- Wrath-Of-Egg
- Posts: 1147
- Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:30 am
- Location: Finland.. or on that other place..
And why not reputation too.. if it gets too high all evil chars will leave.. and if it is too low good guys will leave.. and why it should be up north? Why not somewhere near Baldursgate..
I dont mean to offend you..
I dont mean to offend you..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Last edited by Wrath-Of-Egg : Today
- silverdragon72
- Posts: 850
- Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:53 am
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[QUOTE=neocool00]Interesting replies. I've always felt that based on your actions, your character's alignment should be able to be changed. Didn't the implement something in IWD where if you were a palladin and did a lot of bad things you could fall and lose the ability to progress a palladin? It would have been nice if they could have come up with some kind of point system where you could say True Neutral is 0 and depending on how your character reacts, you could gain/lose alignment points. Although this would kind of force you to be a little more roleplaying beyond just answering with what you think the character wants to hear, I still think it would have been a good idea.[/QUOTE]
off topic: in TOEE your paladin can fall - and KOTOR has a point based system
off topic: in TOEE your paladin can fall - and KOTOR has a point based system
I've always thought that a Paladin's alignment should be based on the God they follow, much as a clerics domain spells and abilities work. Paladins of Talos for example shouldn't really be Lawful Good - this is actaully at odds with their god!
I don't use this mod simply because the game was designed no to allow certain combinations of classes and items. While I'd love to play a Paladin/Bard, the game doesn't allow it and I'll stick to this. I might give it a try one day just for fun, but I'd consider it a cheat.
I don't use this mod simply because the game was designed no to allow certain combinations of classes and items. While I'd love to play a Paladin/Bard, the game doesn't allow it and I'll stick to this. I might give it a try one day just for fun, but I'd consider it a cheat.
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I do a lot of character editing to create characters that suit me, but once I start playing, I play the game as if I were actually immersed in it, as opposed to metagaming and spending more time trying to game the system than actually playing the game. If I'm going to spend time outside of my character's life to research rules and playing techniques, I'd much rather be learning how to use spells, for example, than trying to figure out how to cheat the system. Too much focus on "How can I get the most out of this game" spoils the fun for me. That's my take on cheating. Do I care whether you play the game differently than I do? Absolutely not.
- Iliphar Nelnuve
- Posts: 45
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For Neoocolo
About topic Number 5, For those beetles, I ended killing 34 or 39 of them and they stopped coming. I let the nest for some days but they were no more coming out.
BUT, outside monastery (before entering) I TRIED TO SLEEP and ended after having used ALL my magics (my sorc was level 13 if I remember, same for dreadmaster) by killing 95 tundras and ferocious yetis that were keeping coming by pack of 8 or 9... totally absurde no? Nothing more to add
BTW I sold all those yeti pelts for aprox. (40*350)+(40*140)+(15*120). I leave the calculñation
About topic Number 5, For those beetles, I ended killing 34 or 39 of them and they stopped coming. I let the nest for some days but they were no more coming out.
BUT, outside monastery (before entering) I TRIED TO SLEEP and ended after having used ALL my magics (my sorc was level 13 if I remember, same for dreadmaster) by killing 95 tundras and ferocious yetis that were keeping coming by pack of 8 or 9... totally absurde no? Nothing more to add
BTW I sold all those yeti pelts for aprox. (40*350)+(40*140)+(15*120). I leave the calculñation