Hi I was wondering how/when I can reactivate my Kensai class after dualing to mage at lvl 9. My mage class is 5 now and I haven't lvled up yet, I was just wondering when I should reactivate and how I do it. Thank you very much for your help.
- Tukai
Reactivating Class
You can't actively switch back in 2nd edition. The way dual classing works, if you dual'd to a mage at the 9th level of Kensai, you must wait until you are a level 10 mage (1 level higher than your previous class) before you can benefit from your Kensai class again.
It's been a while, so I'm not 100% sure if it's the SAME level as your previous class or 1 level higher. Either way, it sounds like you've got 4 or 5 more levels to gain with your mage before you get to be a Kensai again.
It's been a while, so I'm not 100% sure if it's the SAME level as your previous class or 1 level higher. Either way, it sounds like you've got 4 or 5 more levels to gain with your mage before you get to be a Kensai again.
To see if I understand, When I hit lvl 9 or 10 with mage lvl, it will automatically re-enable my kensai abilities. I assume when Kensai is reactivated I will be able to use Katanas again, because as of now I can not. So all I must do is lvl up my mage class and will soon benefit from the kensai class once again.
Sorry for wasting your time, but thanks if you did,
- Tukai
Sorry for wasting your time, but thanks if you did,
- Tukai
Tukai, your understanding is correct. Once your mage hits level 10 (yes, I'm confirming that it needs to be one level higher than the first class), all your kensai skills will reactivate, including the bonus -2 to armor class, the weapon skills, the THACO, the special kai ability, etc, even the saving throws if they're superior to what you were getting as a mage.
A little tip for you to make lvling up faster, hire the npc jan(or just a thief, but jan has high % pickpocket) from the government district. Go to the shopkeeper on the second floor in the Gaelan Bayle house(there are others but this is the one that comes to mind) in the slums. Steal all the potions of master thiefery and drink them. You should have something around 200% or so now for three hours
Then just go to a shopkeeper of choice and steal all spell scrolls and write them in your spellbook. This gives massive exp and if you also kick out some npc:s temporarily from your party you should EASILY be lvl 10 mage after this.
Pickpocket skill is just so powerful with master thief pots, it's almost to good really if one have the patience. Since there is a shoopkeeper that accept fenced items it's so easy to make tons of money and right from the start empty the adventure mart of everything.
Then just go to a shopkeeper of choice and steal all spell scrolls and write them in your spellbook. This gives massive exp and if you also kick out some npc:s temporarily from your party you should EASILY be lvl 10 mage after this.
Pickpocket skill is just so powerful with master thief pots, it's almost to good really if one have the patience. Since there is a shoopkeeper that accept fenced items it's so easy to make tons of money and right from the start empty the adventure mart of everything.