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The Dark Ritual; possible problem, some spoilers

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Edar Macilrille
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The Dark Ritual; possible problem, some spoilers

Post by Edar Macilrille »

When you arrive at Watcher's Keep with either Tactics Mod or Ascension Mod installed (I cannot recall which, but it should be clear to people with more experience than I in a few words which I mean), you can talk to a monk-like guy . The former Strategos of some ritual that he now wants you to stop without killing the High Priestess. This in itself is not too hard (though she dies in any case after turning into something horrid, can she be saved at all?). However the fight with him when one returns is far too hard IMO, much worse than Fiirkrag, which it should not be as Red Dragons are the mightiest of the evil ones. Anyway, if one talks to him a second time before having talked to the Vigil Knights, they get killed during the battle and thus prevents one's entering WK. This is a problem, but since I cannot even remember which Mod it was included in I remember even less what Forum I should really be telling this in, so I do it here where I know that at least some of the active modders check in every so often.

Best wishes; Palle
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Post by Qwinn »

It's an optional component of Tactics, not Ascension.

I can't help you more than that, I haven't played through it.

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Edar Macilrille
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Post by Edar Macilrille »

So that is why it is so F***ing hard. Anyway, I should probably tell Weimer that there is a problem with the kniggeties and dragon there.
Thanks; Palle
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Post by fable »

Edar, please read the forum rules, and watch the language. The site owner is very concerned these days about such matters, what with our being located in the US. Thanks.
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