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Will Bloodlines run well on my PC

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
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Will Bloodlines run well on my PC

Post by electroshock »

I'm thinking of getting Bloodlines but I'm not entirely sure that it will run well on my computer. These are my computer's stats:

1.48 ghz
512 RAM
128 meg graphics card (I'm not sure which card as I haven't bought it yet - any advice on which one to get?)

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Post by Legend »

You should be able to play smoothly, i have lower specs than you, and it runs fine on my system. Of course there's always the bugs, but that's everyone's problem, regardless your specs.
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Post by Jandau »

I have pretty much the same computer, but a stronger processor (2.7 GHz), and I get a passable performance. Open areas have a fairly low framerate 10-15, some areas tend to drop bellow 10, basically leaves quite a bit to be desired, but is playable. The question is precisely which graphics card you have. I've seen there's a decent difference between a Radeon 9200 and 9600. Also, this game's performance is quite erratic....
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Post by electroshock »

Thank you both for your replies. You've re-assured me somewhat and I'll probably pick the game up for Christmas. Even so, I would still like some advice on upgrading my graphics card and maybe my RAM.

Also, will my relatively weak processor (1.48ghz) be a problem, even though its stronger than the minimum requirement (1.2ghz)? Will adding another 256MB of RAM to my 512MB help much?

Thanks again
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Post by Jandau »

Trusting minimum requirements is always a risky thing.

As for upgrading your computer, a new processor should IMO be a priority. At least 2.7 GHz, or higher. RAM is always a good idea and you can hardly have too much RAM (Bloodlines eats up RAM like candy). If you have anything left after that, you can always buy a new graphics card, or even more RAM...
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Post by Blu3)Marine( »

if you want to play this game smoothly u`ll need minimum 756 ram...
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Post by fable »

I'd suggest having 1 GB RAM. That should help you run not merely most games coming out over the next 2 years, but also mods on top of the games--remember, they consume memory, too.
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Post by electroshock »

Thanks for the advice everyone :)

I think that, along with my new graphics card, I'll pick up some extra RAM - either 256MB or 512MB depending on the cost of my graphics card. I can't really be bothered messing around with my processor at the moment, even if that does mean it doesn't run brilliantly.

Again, thanks for the help.
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Post by parana »

[QUOTE=electroshock]I'm thinking of getting Bloodlines but I'm not entirely sure that it will run well on my computer. These are my computer's stats:

1.48 ghz
512 RAM
128 meg graphics card (I'm not sure which card as I haven't bought it yet - any advice on which one to get?)

Thanks in advance for your help.[/QUOTE]

my pc is a

1.33 ghz
512 ram
gforce 2 64mb mx 400

the game runs very well
only when some effects is added the game lags a little, but when presence (im ventrue) is on, i practically miss all my attacks cuz of the lag =/
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Post by pennypincher »

Woah werid!
I've got a better CPU and Video card then you folks, but my 512k of ram has meant I have to reset the damm game every 45mins-1 hour to try and restore the lost memory from the memory leak... Everyone else gets this happening too right? I.. I'm not alone? *checks his box to see if anything is dammaged*
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