There is a list of questions that come up every now and again... and when people answer many of the questionees give a "whats that" response.
This is a quick Key Terms list to define the Acronyms and such of key terms and phrases used on the forums.
I looked at the stickied FAQs and the terms weren't really defined.... so I'm starting one now.
Editing Tools:
SK (Shadowkeeper)
This is a program that allows the user to edit save files and character files. Anything from stats to global variables may be edited.
The in game editing tool used by the BG devs and can do things such as spawn monsters, teleport the party, create items, do several thousand damage to a creature.
A general list of commands: ... eats.shtml
Mods (Modifications)
Game: tDD(The Darkest Day) Ascension, G3 (The Gibberlings Three)Redemption, EoU (Ease of Use)... etc.
Character: Chloe, Tashia, Kelsey, Valen, etc.
Some Sites: Weidu, G3, Pocket Plane
Changes the game engine, quests, rules, characters, etc.
Cheese/Cheeze etc.
Doing something in the game considered "Cheap" or "Unfairly Powerful" "Exploiting the Rules" etc.
Oops gtg I'll add more later. Feel free to add on.
BG Key Terms List
BG Key Terms List
Tact is for people not witty enough to be sarcastic