Rating: 1) miserable, 2) not extremely bad but not extremely good either, 3) good 4) ranging from excellent to brilliant
Armor, Clothing & Weapons
*Adamantium Helm of Tohan - 3
*Adamantium Armor - 3
*Knights of Tamriel: Akatosh, A'rkay, Dibella, Mara, Kynareth - 4
*Armor of Valshea - 4
*Jet & Gold Armor - 4
*Area Effect Arrows - 3
*Mephisto's Cloak Collection - 3
*Collector's Belt - 2
*LeFemm Armor - 2
*Lilarcor - 2
*Strong Hand-to-Hand - 2
*Marksman - 3
*Assassins Armory - 4
*Demonbone Armor - 4
*Improved Staves - 3
*Ordinator Armor Replacer - 4
*Elite Indoril Armor - 3
*Blue Glass - 3
*Imperial Dragon Mail - 2
*Metal Queen Boutique - 4
*Khartags Legendary Armor - 2
*Venymora Red Leather - 3
*Xaedons Dreugh Armor - 3
*Durzog Armor - 4
*War Master Armor - 3
*Carnithus' Armamentarium - 4
*Armamentarium Addon - 3
*Physiqued Capes - 1
*Sheikizza's Daedric Armor - 3
*Aedric Armor - 3
*Daedric Priestess Armor - 3
*Carnithus' Daedric Armor - 3
*Divine Domina III - 4
*Tenience's Rare Items - 2
*Exquisite Robes - 3
*Telvanni & Necromantic Robe - 4
*Daedric Loot Adjustment - 2
*Glass, Daedric, Ebony and Dwemer Recolor - 4
*Legolas' Gear - 2
*Ninja Outfits - 3
*Lord of the Rings Weapons - 3
*Weapons of Tamriel - 4
*Kyodin Armor - 3
*Hematite Armor - 3
*Hematite High Ordinator Armor - 3
*Hematite Shield + Scimitars addon - 3
*The Cloak and Dagger - 3
*Chainmail Armor - 4
*Dark Additions - 3
*Japanese Armor - 2
*Armor of Daedra Ancestors - 3
Strongholds and Houses
*Archmage Tower v2 - 4
*Balmora Thieves' Hideout + Door fix + Weapons addon - 3
*Castle Nerevar - 1
*Redoran Condo - 2
*Rain's Hand Hall - 2
*Kahleighs Retreat - 3
*Abu's Retreat - 3
*Nerevarine Castle - 4
*Moonshadow Temple - 3
*Hellhouse - unrated, haven't been there yet
*Japanese House - 3
*Darkstone Manor -4
Difficulty Mods
*Super Adventurers - 4
*Morrowind Advanced - 4
*Morrowind Additions Revamped - haven't seen it all, for now a 3
*Flee AI Tweaks
*Nighttime Locks & Bashing - 4
Guilds & Factions
*Almilia's Daughters - 2
*Juniper's Twin Lamps - 3
*Seekers Faction - unrated, haven't tried it yet
*Illuminated Order - 4
*Cult of the Clouds - 3
*Sixth House - 3
*Suran Underworld - 4
*Sorefoot Enterprises - 4
*Guild Guide Quests - 3
Misc. Items & Tweaks
*(item) 20 Books - 3
*(tweak) Bitter Coast Sounds - 3
*(tweak) Carnivore - 3
*(tweak) Horatio's Dodge Mod - 4
*(item & tweak) Magical Trinkets of Tamriel IV - this mod gets a 5, it stands for "Brilliant with a large B", "Amazing", "Chris Woods is a genius", and any other superlative you can come up with.
*(tweak) Earthly Delights - 2
*(tweak) Entertainers - 3
*(tweak) Magicka Regeneration - 4
*(tweak) Fashionable Merchants - 0. This mod does not what it's supposed to do. I'm surprised it's still in my Data Files folder
*(tweak) Gladiator - 4
*(tweak) Herbalism Lite - 4
*(tweak) Restore Magicka Enchantment - 3
*(tweak) Potion Icons - 4
*(tweak) Scroll Icons - 4
*(tweak) Real Signposts - 4
*(tweak) Strong Hand-to-Hand - 3
*(tweak) The Imperial Legion Badge - 2
*(tweak) Indybank - 4
*(item) Wyr Jeweler - 3
*(tweak) Journal Enhanced - unrated, made the game crash
*(item & tweak) Complete Morrowind - 4.5, another brilliant mod
*(item) Ring Texture Fix - 3
*(item) Amulets & Rings - 3
*(tweak) Thieves' Guild Travel - 3
*(tweak) Multimark - 4
*(item) Acheron's Camping Gear - 4
*(item) Better Books - 4
*(tweak) No-Glow - 3
*(item) Moon's Soul Gems - 4
*(tweak) Disturb the Dead - 4
*Non Generic NPC Project - 3
- Maar Gan
- Ald Velothi
- Khuul
- Gnaar Mok
- Seyda Neen
*Balmora Dialogue - 3
*Ascadian Isles Dialogue - 3
*Dracandros' Voice - 4
*Advanced Dialogue - unrated, it's in my Data Files folder, but I have absolutely no idea what it does, I have a suspicion that it's related to dialogue
Heads & Bodies
*Rhedd's Heads - 4
*Better Bodies - 4
*Improved Argonian Heads - 4
Dungeons, Towns & Forts
*Haldenshore - 3
*Havish - 3
*Modtown 2004 - unrated, haven't visited it yet
*Deathtrap Dungeon - 3
*Tarmar - unrated, same reason as Modtown
*Siege at Firemoth - unrated, same reason
*Tombs Expanded - 4
*Pharlan Race - 2
*IWW Horses - 2
Plus I have some self-made mods, nothing but minor tweaks, and some strongholds that I'm still working on.
Phiew. Cost me half an hour to make the list

"We are at a very serious moment dealing with very serious issues and we are not focusing on the name you give to potatoes" - Nathalie Loisau