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Problem in fire temple

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Problem in fire temple

Post by Torlac »

Problem in fire node

I keep having trouble in the fire node.It is the part where you fight the 2 fire salamanders and the fire brothers and the priest in front of the chest.My party will engage in the battle and everything will be going smoothly.Eventually it will freeze after one of my partys last actions.I can scroll around the scene but it will not move on to the next persons action.I have even taken my settings down to the lowest possible settings.This makes it faster but does not stop this from happening.Any suggestions would be most helpful on this.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

First a minor point: this is in the fire temple, not the fire node, which is different. Just so you don't get confused by things you may read elsewhere.

As for the problem: It's hard to say. I had similar difficulties when I used my old computer, but none this time around. Are your video card drivers up to date?
Another thing you might try (though this may make the fight a little harder), is casting a series of area-effect spells to "wake up" all the enemies. I find sometimes the game hangs up a bit when new enemies are becoming hostile and joining the fight. The problem may come from flame brothers entering. Area effect spells will get them all into it right away, so this problem won't occur. The problem may also clear up if you let the game sit a while. It may also go away if you hit the window key on your keyboard, call up the desktop, and then pick the toee thingie on the taskbar to bring the game back up. Anyway, that's all I can think of. I don't know of any bugs people have reported here. It's just an area with a lot of graphical work to do, so it sometimes gets hung up.
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Post by Torlac »

Yeah I originally called it the fire temple when I first posted it but the walkthrough called it the fire node so I changed it..I updated my video card drivers but that did not do the trick.It usually will hang up on my dwarf(equiped with Fragarach) and on my ranger (equiped with scather) Both of these weapons were obtained by using the code deal where you can get weapons and whatnot.
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Post by Torlac »

Ok this one is solved.I just equiped my dwarf and ranger with different weapons for that battle and I finished it quite easily.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Well that's... weird. I wonder why those weapons had a problem with just that one spot in the game.
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Post by Torlac »

I then moved on and found a priest.He offered me 3 missions and one was to get the trolls to join him.Problem was that while I was fighting the one troll one of my party killed him.I went back and since I had already killed the others he attacked me and was killed pretty quickly himself.So where do I find the fire boss at?
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Post by brylcreem »

I have noticed that both those weapons seem to be bugged as whenever I am using them, and wherever for that matter, whenever the character wielding them is attacked and responds with an attack of opportunity the game hangs and often freezes up all together.
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Post by queeny »

Odd.. I'm having the same problem, fight freezing up in the fire temple, but I do not have either of those weapons!

Every fight I try in the fire temple, the first person in my party to go freezes on that person. It wont advance to the next initiative. I can scroll around the screen, open that persons inventory, but nothing else. I can't even open the menu to reload. I have to shut down the down game. :(
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Hard to say exactly what the problem might be in your case. That battle is tough on computers for some reason. If you're not way above min specs you're going to have a lot of lag, for one thing. My new computer breezes through it, but my old one.... Anyway, as always, you can try setting all graphic options to their lowest setting (0 partical fidelity, etc.).
Apart from that, it's hard to say, sans details about when it's freezing for you. If the game is freezing just after your turn, it probably is dealing with an enemy moving, and probably an enemy that's not yet included in the initiative bar (similar problem happens in the fire node later: guess it's a fire-graphics problem). The game often has trouble getting enemies to join into the fighting. Your problem could be coming from flame brothers spawning and entering combat between your last guy and whoever's next in line. If you wait a long while, the problem may just sort itself out. Another good way to avoid this is to cast some area-effect spells like ice storm, cone of cold, and holy smite, if you have them, to force-spawn the flame brothers. This will, for some reason, be easier for the game to handle. If you got the wand of chain lightning, that's also a good way.
If that isn't your problem, and it's not the weapons, then I don't know what to tell you except it sounds like incompatibility with your system. You could try going to the atari site for support, and/or update your graphics drivers. All that failing, you could just ignore this room. The treasure inside is okay, but not all that great, and it can be a tough fight if you're 8th level or below.
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Post by Paranitis »

I believe it has something to do with that damn sword..I rescued the guy and EVERY time I am in combat with him in the fire temple it stops mid-turn on him..same thing, can scroll, open inventory, and all that..but the initiative just doesn't change no matter what.

So I think I am gonna just try to kick him from my group and murder him for having a horrible horrible game glitching sword.

So far this game has been buggier than PoR:RoMD, and that's saying something. It's definately not one of the best games I have ever played (that's what my friend he freaking tricked me into wasting my money..grr to friends).

Okay..I got rid of him, went to Homlett to rest and sell my stuff (which doesn't matter considering you can't really buy anything worth anything anyway)..then since the guy with the sword left on my way out, he wasn't with me anymore when I came back..which is great.

BUT..then I decided to go for the fire temple killin again and all my guys died because I forgot that the big sally's toss fireballs then I tried to LOAD my saved game (which was made right before I started the fight..which I do before and after EVERY fight) and I can't load it because the game is corrupt. And the auto-save is corrupt.

What the hell is with that? I took all this time to get this far only to have my saved games get corrupted?! The only thing I did different was get RID of that damn guy who was locking up the game, and so now instead of every game being locked up when he gets hit..I can never play again the games I spent all the time on because they are somehow corrupt?!

That game is a piece of crap. I am done with it.
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