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Telvanni/ Mages Guild question

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Telvanni/ Mages Guild question

Post by Alien_Newborn »

Ever since I can remember, almost everyone in house Telvanni has hated my character, and I was wondering why. I had heard a few guild stewards at the mages guild (of which I am a member) say that "The Telvanni are the enemy" and I was thinking that might be the answer, but I never really had any proof.

Secondly, IF the Telvanni hate you for being in the Mages Guild, is it possible to be a member of both factions simultaneously (Because I was thinking my new character would be)?
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Post by moltovir »

Yes, it is possible. Some quests might conflict though, not sure about that.
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Post by Ares2382 »

Spoiler, highlight at your own risk:

If you go with mage guild and follow Trebonius then he will ask you to kill all of the Telvanni Wizards, so there is deffinatly a conflict that way, However you can go with Edwinna who will tell you to kill Trebonius in which case there is no conflict
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Post by fable »

Too bad they didn't write any real conflict into the game. I would have loved seeing your rep drop with Telvanni types soon after you joined the Mages Guild, or your receiving a visit from a Mages Guild representative once knowledge of your Telvanni membership had become known. As it is, you can do both, easily. In fact, my current character is Archmage in the Guild, and roughly halfway through the Telvanni chores.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Good stuff. Thanks!
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Post by jopperm2 »

I suppose you could justify it a little in your own mind, fable and say that your character is trying to seize contraol of house Telvanni for the guild. :D That's what I did with my thief. He joined Hlaalu in order to control the tong.
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Post by dairy »

i've reached arch mage and archmaigister with the same character and never had any problems dealing with either the guild or telvanni. just do the quests for edwinna, not that numb nuts trebonous (sp?)
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Post by dragon wench »

If you have either the Archmage Tower or Serene Tower mod installed it is fairly easy to justify since part of the premise is, sort of, to unite the Mage's Guild and House Telvanni.. ;)
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Post by Greg. »

The only guild problems I've ever encountered have been between the fighters and mages and also the morag tong and most houses. These are usually along the lines of 'Go kill this guy. You might have problems with House Redoran.' So you kill the guy and get expelled, and as you're arch-magister, you can't make amends.
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Post by dairy »

any killing done by order for the morag tong is forgivable. as well, with the frenzy humanoid spell and some taunting, you can kill anyone legally. you wont have to kill any telvanni you need to ascend to the archmagister position if you join the morag tong. my current character is head of the mages guild, the morag tong, the temple, house telvanni, and mid way in most of the other guilds. the only conflicts i've found are between the fighters guild and the theives guild
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