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Your favourite skill and why

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Your favourite skill and why

Post by dragon wench »

I was just exploring around the Molag Amur region, and it struck me once more just how much I enjoy using my longbow. I think if I had to pick a favourite skill in the game, it would have to be Marksman, probably because there is some challenge to aiming and actually making a successful hit. I particularly enjoy using it in combination with Sneak :D
There is also something so beautifully simple and elegant about dropping enemies from a distance without having to hack them into chopped liver.

I like Alchemy too, but Marksman is definitely my favourite. :cool:

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Post by dairy »

im going to have to say that sneak is my favorite skill. without sneak i just dont know how i'd generate obscene amounts of $$ and grab sweet gear at a lower level. ex. the glass armor in ghostgate on a level 10 character :) as well, sometimes its just nice to steal someone's 25 gold to add to your pile of second choice would have to be acrobatics. with enough acrobatic skill the largest mountain becomes a mole hill.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »


How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by lifeishell91 »

Mine would be Conjuration, I really enjoy being able to conjur some evil-looking Daedra to do my bidding! :p

Second would be Destruction, mainly because I love blowing things up with the fire/electricity/ice that comes from my own two hands! :rolleyes:
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Post by moltovir »

Marksman, directly followed by illusion. Nothing is more funny than hitting an enemy with some arrows, then casting Invisibility and going close for some critical backstabs.
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Post by techoluvr »

i like to couple security with sneak. i like to be able to stand 3 feet away from some1 and then just jack them silly
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Post by DARK SAGE »

Mine would have to be long blade then light,medium and heavy armour joined for second place.Since i am more of the physical type.
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Post by Monolith »

Athletics, acrobatics and hand-to-hand-combat. I like being fast, I love being able to reach every place on the map and I adore beating enemies unconscious and then to death with my bare fists.... :)
Those skills I have as major or minor skills with every character I play. If it's a mage (...alright, I've never played a true mage...), or a fighter, a monk or a thiefe, those skills are an absolute "must".

Skills I also like:
- long blade
- blunt weapons (for the staffs)
- axe
- unarmored
- alteration
- illusion
- sneak (if you asked me the same question a year ago this would be the skill I'd chose. Together with the next one)
- security
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Post by Ares2382 »

I like Mysticism. Mark, Recall, Almsivi and Divine Intervention, Absorb Health, Telekenisis. All extremely useful spells. Illusions comes in second. And Alteration 3, but only because I love my Super Jump spell, with slow fall, leaping over mountains is fun.
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Post by Greg. »

Alteration and Mysticism really speeds the game up - levitate, swift swim and teleportation are useful (especially for the pilgrimage in silence). Enchant alchemy and sneak are useful for making money. Acrobatics makes levelling up on pc anyway really easy.
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Post by Yeltsu »

I must agree with DW and say marksman, but Acrobatics are also one of my favorites, I love to climb a mountain and stand there and snipe anything I see. Plus, with acrobatics you can get virtually everywhere. I was actually able to jump up some redoran stronghold once, although it was kinda silly, and took quite a while to do.
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Post by dragon wench »

It is funny, after trying out numerous characters, when you finally determine which abilities you really enjoy how much the game changes. I am trying out a brand new character (after swearing to myself I wouldn't :rolleyes: ), and even though I am doing quests I am familiar with, it is quite different, and much easier to roleplay.

Playing my new assassin/mage is a blast, I think I'll even be able to bring myself to join the Morag Tong with her :D

I agree about acrobatics being fun, but I never make it or athletics major skills because this makes levelling far too rapid, since these skills are so easy to improve. And I don't like levelling too quickly because the game loses it challenge sooner than it needs to.
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Post by moltovir »

If you think the game loses its challenge too quickly, then you really need to install Super Adventurers. While looking for the famous Boots of the Apostle I expected some scamps guarding it. Imagine the look on my face when I entered and found the place crawling with Dremora and Atronachts. Imagine my other expression when I emerged victorious with my level 10 assassin/mage :D The big change for me is that I have to use all my supplies (potions, magical arrows, scrolls) to defeat the new enemies, instead of just dumping them in my stronghold.
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Post by dragon wench »

lol! I would really like to check that out. :D How rough is Super Adventurers on the system? I'm not sure how much more my poor old computer can handle :rolleyes:
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

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Post by Monolith »

Super Adventurers was one of the first mods I used and I abandoned it quickly. While it increases the difficulty of the game on the one hand, it makes it easier on the other hand. You should check it out if you think it's interesting. It shouldn't decrease the framerate because it changes gameplay settings mostly.

I'm playing a monk right now (costum class, but related to the monk class). HtH, Blunt Weapons, acrobatics, athletics, restoration, unarmored and so on. I'm level 12 now and I can't fight a Kagouti without using my whole arsenal of scrolls, potions and magic rings. To be honest, I haven't been able to kill even one Kagouti yet. I always fled. I have a couple of mods installed which make the game much more difficult - and I have the difficulty bar at maximum. I'm a hardcore roleplayer, so as a monk I don't steal at all (not easy when you always played thieves and stuff...I find myself stealing all the time. It's hard to give all those shiny things back...) and I use staffs only. The silver staff, to be more concrete, because it looks so good. But I have to admit that I also have a mod which changes most of the staffs in the game - they deal more damage now and have much more enchantment-points. It was impossible to kill stronger enemies like skelettons chambions and nix-hounds with it (I also have animal realism, thus nix-hounds are stronger....they are beasts now! Really dangerous...)

The game has never been that much fun before. I'm always short on ca$h, can't pay trainers, die all the time, flee all the time, sneak all the time in order to avoid those nasty Kagoutis and Nix-Hounds and I'm really happy for every coin I can get (thus I'm far more motivated to make missions because I really need the rewards!). It really depends on how you play the game. Stealing everything and looting everything makes you rich in no time (I also try to loot what I really need only).
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