I've found the gold
(i added 1000 to my 35000 bank account)
The Major Domo replies that he has nothing for me to do....
I initiate dialogue, but he gives me nothing to decide upon....the other people don't seem anything interesting to say as well.
Am i doint something wron, or should i just wait longer?
strongholds quest
strongholds quest
"She's dead, wrapped in Plastic...."
Are you referring to Nalia's keep quest? I can't remember if that guy's name is Major Domo or not. Regardless, usually for any of the stronghold quests (at least the ones I've done), when you see the message pop up you should go back there. (I.E. the Keep message about 500 gold being placed in your keep, the Thieve's Guild one about your thieves returning from their missions, etc., etc.) Eventually, with most of them you will run out of things to do there, but others (Thieve's Guild) go on indefinitely throughout the Shadows of Amn.
Oh man, it's been so long since I went through the game with a fighter. Maybe a messenger does come and tell you something like "there's important keep business that requires your attention" or something like that. But if you've been there twice already and had nothing to do, that does seems strange. You are talking to the guy in the main hall, right? Sorry I couldn't be of more help. On a side note, I've been to Amsterdam and had a great time there. I've traveled through quite a bit of Europe and I loved that city.
I've recently gone through with a fighter. The time between gold placements and new events from the major domo line up relatively closely, but it's not exact. You -can- get a gold message and not get a new event. But getting -two- gold messages without an event is indeed pretty odd - I never had that happen until I was done with all the events (there's somewhere between 8 and 10 total). I'd say wait another game week and if you get another gold message without an event, there's definetly something wrong.
Just as a suggestion, is it possible that you think you saw the gold message twice because you saw it, went past that a bit, went back to a saved game before the message, and then saw it again?
Just as a suggestion, is it possible that you think you saw the gold message twice because you saw it, went past that a bit, went back to a saved game before the message, and then saw it again?
I think it's strange too, I didn't think you could even go the first time without having to resolve some problem, but like I said it's been a while. I don't know if this would have anything to do with it, but have you went to the funeral for Nalia's father? Maybe that's what starts off the entire chain of events for the keep. Just something to try.