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Hand Maiden

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Hand Maiden

Post by JediMasterSmith »

Just wondering, how do you get the handmaiden to become a jedi, just through conversation I assume right?? And the same with the disciple guy???
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Post by Gigiya »

With Handmaiden, when you're on the Ebon Hawk, train with her (fight her.) Go through all three of those, and then ask about the clothes thing (can't remember it exactly.) I think you then have to talk to Kreia about Handmaiden, then talk to Handmaiden again.

Disciple seemed really easy to get to train as a Jedi. I managed to get him to do it not long after getting him, you just have to keep talking to him.
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Darth Angel
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Post by Darth Angel »

Training Handmaiden is quite tricky. you have to spar with her on the Ebon Hawk three times. To do so, you have to wait a while and go through several battles, as she will require you to have more experience before she can teah you more about battle. Usually, this is one to two planets.

After the third battle, here's where it's slightly tricky. You defeat her for the third time and talk to her. THEN, put on some clothes. Then, talk to her again, and ask her to put on some clothes. When she does, she's wearing Jedi robes. Ask her about them, and she will say they are her mothers'. Then leave her, and ask Kreia about her mother. After getting the lo down, go back to handmaiden and finish the mother story. She will then ask to be trained in her mother's tradition. Kreia will warn you about betrayel, but his is of no consequence. The sequence must be, put on clothes and then ask her to do so. Since you can't wear clothes during the battle, you'll have to do this AFTER talking to her after the battle.
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