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50 is the level cap

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50 is the level cap

Post by Gigiya »

after doing the nar shadaa overseer glitch over 1,000 times, i hit level 50 with 1,225,000 XP. i've got 17 STR, 14 DEX, 18 CON, 20 INT, 12 WIS, 12 CHR (overall pretty crappy stats but who gives a crap), 825 VP, 392 FP, 30 DEF, 34 fortitude, 27 reflex, 24 will. i've spent way too much time on this game, with that part in particular.
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Post by Nar »

respect - You really deserved it :D
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Post by Mykra »

How do you do this glitch?

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Post by P.A.W »

What mykra said, how do u do the glitch i wanna know, i wanna cap at 50 for my second go around thru the game
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Post by Gigiya »

All credit goes to userunfriendly for finding this glitch.
UserUnfriendly wrote:================================================== ===================

On Nar Shaddaa in the Refugee Sector, speak to the sick man in the northwest corner of the Refugee camp and choose the "awareness" dialogue option, then go speak with the leader of the Exchange for that sector. Tell him about the sick man and explain that the reugees need more room or the disease will spread and you will be told that they will get more room if you deal with the sick man. Then explain that you don't have the supplies to heal him, and you are told to "deal with him". Then choose the "I'll think about it" option and you will receive 1000 exp. Repeat the conversation to your heart's desire."

Step 1 ) Dont speak to anyone when you land on Nar Shadda, It makes the dialog choice click through easier when you get to the exploit part.
Step 2) Go straight to the Serraco Area (Spelling) if you are DS and kill them all, including the boss. If you are LS you will have to figure out how to get them to play nice with the refugees.
Step 3) Go to the refugee camp and only speak with the sick man by the entrance.
Step 4) Awareness - Tell him that he may infect the whole colony.
(Dialog wording may not be exact but you'll get the idea)
Step 5) Awareness - Tell him you will speak to the overseer
(Dialog wording may not be exact but you'll get the idea)
Step 6) Go to the exchange base and talk to the overseer
Step 7) Tell him that there is a sick man in the refugee camp
Step 8) Persuade - Tell him to allow the refugee to spread out more to prevent infection. ***Now if you successfully influence him you get the 1000xp***
Step 9) When he asks you to take care of it, scroll down to the 4th option and choose I will think about it.
*** At this point you will get the actual box that says Journal entry added and 1000xp gained. NO LS OR DS POINTS are given.
Step 10) Rinse and Repeat steps 7 through 9

================================================== ==============
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Post by IanGarrik »

I have tried this one every which way that I can think (even going exactly by the guidelines) and it doesn't work. Neither does the airspeeder glitch. Neither does the Peragus mining facility glitch. The only one that works is the Korriban hssiss glitch, and that takes forever.

Are there necessary ability requirements? I went through with about a 24 awareness on this one, and never got the awareness prompt from the sick guy. What is going wrong?

So far the only really good glitch I've seen is the Handmaiden robes glitch for infinite money and components. Aside from that... hardly any of these are actually working for me..
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Post by Gigiya »

Hmm...I think I actually never got the awareness dialog options. I just talk to the sick guy and then go talk to the overseer. The conversation is as follows (somewhat paraphrased):

[Lie] There is a very sick man in the refugee camp.
Overseer: Why are you telling me this?
[Persuade] If you don't give the refugees more room, the disease will spread.
Overseer: [Success] I'll give them more room if you deal with the sick man.
I'll have to think about it.
Overseer: Fine. Stop wasting my valuable time.

I think if you don't actually influence/persuade him enough, you'll still get a success but not the same dialog options and a one-time 750 XP. I guess you need a very high persuade skill.
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Post by IanGarrik »

I have an unmodified persuade of 20, and can boost that up a few points if need be.

That is exactly the dialogue I get. The awareness dialogue I don't get is with the sick guy. But I run through that and I get either a one time XP bonus of 1000, or I just get a quest updated box w/ no XP, depending on whether or not I treat injury on the sick guy.

Driving me nuts.

Edit: Also, you do need to talk to Hussef first, correct? In order to get the quest to make room for the refugees? And then solve the Serroco thugs side first, correct?
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Post by Gigiya »

Ah, right. You need to do the Serroco thing first. You're not supposed to treat injury on the sick guy at all. I can't remember if I had to talk to Hussef first.
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Post by lightbulb »

lol. i did the korriban hssiss thingy and got to lvl 42 in about an hour from level 20. my console crashed a few times >.< lol. i managed to get to level 45 now . with my items most of my attributes are in the high 20s and my awareness treat injury and pursuade are over 50. my party helps sometimes and they all kick ass.. but usually force storm takes out all of my enemies in 1-2 hits.. like.. 800 FP, 650 Vit.. 25+ Wisdom 35+ Charisma.. and my force regen is insane with a jedi robe, qixoni crystal and FP regen feat.. all of the costs are reduced massively by my high charisma.. dark side makes the game's enemies pathetic. i could have taken out vrook in 2 hits if the game hadent paused for me to learn force potency.. which makes my attacks even more powerful. so i think.. to really kick ass in the game... either sith lord.. or jedi weapon master. because light side is pathetic with force. and with the dark side.. you get force crush. that just makes the rest of the game a joke. even if your enemy saves... they still get thrown to the ground.. so you can do it again... and again... and again. lol. even handmaiden as a jedi guardian has powerful force... even though it gets saved every other time and uses up all her force after a dozen times.. the FP regen feat is like.. a requirement for any jedi.. right... i have no idea what my point there was... o ya.. dark side is better!!
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Post by robkid »

[QUOTE=lightbulb]dark side is better!![/QUOTE]

Though, to be honest, it's not like this game is tough with LS either. One blast of stasis field and you can slice and dice to your heart's content. Quisinart, anyone?

(I think only about 6 people in the whole last area even saved against my stasis field, and I was a watchman, not a master. Even the bosses failed as often as not.)
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