Well, this is my first thread, so be gentle ^_^
Spoilers below:
Here's my problem. I've tried all possible combinations of conversation with Lady Aribeth's ghost, but I can't get her to pray to Tyr for forgiveness and join me. Is it because I already have 2 henchmen in my team? I figure that's the only explanation, as for some reason 2 henchmen seems to be enough.
HotU: Acquiring Henchmen in Hell (spoiler)
Welcome to GameBanshee, we are (mostly) always gentle with people
As for your problem, then I've never experienced that myself, but I've only ever had 1 henchmen with me down there (due to a Deekin bug I belive).
But I would think that your theory is pretty much valid, yes - that it is because you have 2 henchmen. (I think mostly that 2 henchmen is the limit, not counting summons etc - but there are somebody that said they had more in the 1.st chapter, although I've not tried it myself
Try saving the game and dismissning one henchmen and seeing if you can get Aribeth to "redeem" herself.
As for your problem, then I've never experienced that myself, but I've only ever had 1 henchmen with me down there (due to a Deekin bug I belive).
But I would think that your theory is pretty much valid, yes - that it is because you have 2 henchmen. (I think mostly that 2 henchmen is the limit, not counting summons etc - but there are somebody that said they had more in the 1.st chapter, although I've not tried it myself
Try saving the game and dismissning one henchmen and seeing if you can get Aribeth to "redeem" herself.
Insert signature here.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Welcome to GameBanshee, we are (mostly) always gentle with people
As for your problem, then I've never experienced that myself, but I've only ever had 1 henchmen with me down there (due to a Deekin bug I belive).
But I would think that your theory is pretty much valid, yes - that it is because you have 2 henchmen. (I think mostly that 2 henchmen is the limit, not counting summons etc - but there are somebody that said they had more in the 1.st chapter, although I've not tried it myself
Try saving the game and dismissning one henchmen and seeing if you can get Aribeth to "redeem" herself.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, i think i vaguely remember having 3 at one point, but it wasn't forr very long. i think it was Tomi, Deekin and Nathyrra.
As for your problem, then I've never experienced that myself, but I've only ever had 1 henchmen with me down there (due to a Deekin bug I belive).
But I would think that your theory is pretty much valid, yes - that it is because you have 2 henchmen. (I think mostly that 2 henchmen is the limit, not counting summons etc - but there are somebody that said they had more in the 1.st chapter, although I've not tried it myself
Try saving the game and dismissning one henchmen and seeing if you can get Aribeth to "redeem" herself.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, i think i vaguely remember having 3 at one point, but it wasn't forr very long. i think it was Tomi, Deekin and Nathyrra.
The best way to do this part, in my opinion, is to go without hechmen until you begin your path to the gates of Cania. However, I don't think your problem is with henchmen: Aribeth should have Tyr's bless again anyway.
I found a problem to dismiss henchmen in this part: you can easily dismiss only Aribeth herself. You should try with the command of the radial menu (I think it is "remove from party") and dismiss one of your henchmen and then try to take Aribeth.
I found a problem to dismiss henchmen in this part: you can easily dismiss only Aribeth herself. You should try with the command of the radial menu (I think it is "remove from party") and dismiss one of your henchmen and then try to take Aribeth.