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Help for Final NWN Battle Por Favor

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Help for Final NWN Battle Por Favor

Post by MIKKYLD »

I just went in there and discovered after the first battle that I am apparently unable to rest and recuperate my spells in that section. Along with not being able to recall out of there to boot.

As a spellcaster, that would seem to make this piece of the game extremely difficult if not impossible.

Is there a place in the last segment where I can rest?
Or is it a bug of some sort? (I have platinum NVN so should be fairly current)

Or am I just supposed to become some lame mage sword wielder against what ought to be the toughest enemy in the game?

Help, please
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Post by Ningengirai »

If you're talking about the very final battle with Morag...

I don't think it's a bug, and as far as I know, there is no place to rest in there, either. I went through that battle as a spellcaster myself ( wiz ) and it took me one hell of a lot of time to finish it - by the end, all of my spells were depleted and I had used every single scroll I'd managed to get my hands on.

Another useful way I found to 'stack' spells is to collect bones ( "large bones" ) and use the skill feat to turn them into bone wands. You can then cast a spell on the bone wand ( up to spell level 5, if I'm not mistaken ) and put it into a quickslot - depending on what kind of spell you cast on the bone wand, you end up with 20-30 'charges' of a single spell ( Fireball, Scintilating Sphere, etc ) instead of just one out of your regular spellbook. If it hadn't been for those, I would've died in that battle.

Unfortunately, I don't know if sorcerers can make bone wands, too. I only played with a wizard so far.
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Post by MIKKYLD »


Thanks for the info but I didn't take the make wand feat as it meant giving up XP and I'm way too greedy to do that.

So I guess I just need to go buy as many spells as I can and then grin and bear it, I suppose. Fortunately I saved just before entering the sanctum
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Post by Ripe »

During the final battle with Morag she has 8 guys kneeling around and praying. Suposedly each one of them is vulnerable to single attack form (pirce, slash, bludgeon, fire, cold etc.) and while they are alive Morag is imune to that particular attack form.

Playing as a Wiz I find out that they are vulnerable to Horrid Wilting Spell so with some luck 2 horid wiltings may kill 4-5 protectors making final battle so mach easier.
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