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Want to know a good cheat???

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Want to know a good cheat???

Post by gamer101 »

In Seda Neen go to Arriels Trade House, talk to Arriel, Buy the Jack of Trades spell. Now take the Silt Strider (travel bug) to Balmora. Go and (if you haven't already) join the Mages Guild. Go buy a soultrap spell from the lady that transports you around to the other Mages Guilds. Then go to the High Elf lady and make a spell that is fortify attribute 100-100 on SELF, DO NOT change duration or area, and then add on soultrap and DO NOT change anything besides making on TARGET. It should only cost 107 gold. Go to a wall and cast it.(you cant hit people and be facing a wall, and if you hit a person consider yourself EXPELLED from the Mages guild.) But Whatever attribute you chose it will permenently go up by 100!!!!!
Strength= Carry More, Kill people faster
Intellegnce= Cast spells better
Willpower= Not sure.
Speed= DUH you are FASTER!
Personality= Make better deals.
Luck=affects everything you do
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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Eric V
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Post by Eric V »

I think it is more of a bad cheat i mean who wants to walk around and not have a challenge but thats just me. I dont pay 50$ a game to beat it wit cheats.
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Post by fable »

Gamer101, welcome to the forums. I think you'll find from searching through our database that just about evey cheat, cheese tactic and exploitation scheme has already been posted up here since MW first appeared. And if it isn't here, someone's placed a link here to walkthroughs and strategy guides that contain the rest. ;)

So instead of posting individual cheats, take a look around, ask or answer questions, and enjoy yourself. Be sure to check out the forum rules, too, since the site owner enforces 'em. And you may want to take a peak at SYM (Speak Your Mind), our forum for off-game topics, serious and spam.

Have a good time. :)
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