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Can't resurrect Ariel

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Can't resurrect Ariel

Post by Rivan »

Everytime i bring Ariel underground into one of the dungeons and she dies i can't bring her back again my question: is this supposed to happen or can i fix this problem as it is becoming very frustrating.
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Post by fable »

What's your difficulty setting? If I recall correctly, when you use Core Rules, elves can't be resurrected.
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Post by Ekental »

[QUOTE=fable]What's your difficulty setting? If I recall correctly, when you use Core Rules, elves can't be resurrected.[/QUOTE]

Eh? I use core rules and I have no trouble resing Aeries...

The obvious solution that doesn't answer the question is to keep her alive.
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Post by Coot »

IIRC at least one of the difficulty settings gives you a hard time with resurrecting, so Fable has a point.
Also, how does Aerie die? If someone gets chunked into those little pieces that flie around, there's no resurrecting them.
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Post by Rivan »

Cheers Fable i'll check out the different difficulty settings then. Thanx for that outstanding piece of advice Ekental lol :p
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Post by JJComo »

Yes there are many spells that permanently kill you but, don't forget her constitution, which is 9 I think. She must make a saving throw with every ressurection spell. If she fails it then she is still dead.

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Post by The Great Hairy »

Elves and half-Elves can not be Raised (i.e. Raise Dead spell), but they can be Resurrected (i.e. Resurrection spell).

As the others have said, if the character is "chunked" then they are dead permanently (although in PnP rules, a Wish spell would work. Pity it doesn't here!).

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Post by Ekental »

[QUOTE=JJComo]Yes there are many spells that permanently kill you but, don't forget her constitution, which is 9 I think. She must make a saving throw with every ressurection spell. If she fails it then she is still dead.

I dont believe that is taken into account in BGII though. I dont recall that being in there for the spell.

As for keeping Aeries alive... It's just a matter of NOT geting her invovled in melee combat without the right gear and spells. (Actually I prefer that she doesnt get involved at all since she doesnt really have the base stats for it).
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Post by Qwinn »

Always having a stoneskin available for casting works wonders for keeping Aerie alive. In my groups she has at -least- 3 or 4 stoneskins memorized at any given time. Since the casting time on that spells is pretty much instantaneous, it's saved her countless times, and she may actually die less in my games than any other non-mage PC. It is still a good idea to keep her out of melee combat though.

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Post by The Great Hairy »

Considering the amount of spell power she has, why would you put her in melee? That said, however, she does have enough spells to make her an effective meleer as well.

I'd make sure she is fully buffed, and try to engage all enemies with summons or melee troops, and that will take the heat off her.

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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Considering the amount of spell power she has, why would you put her in melee?[/quote]

I suspect it's a case of not wanting to put her into melee, but of melee coming to her. At least some of the more intelligent opponents (such as they are) seek out mages and the like.
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Post by Ekental »

[QUOTE=Qwinn]Always having a stoneskin available for casting works wonders for keeping Aerie alive. In my groups she has at -least- 3 or 4 stoneskins memorized at any given time. Since the casting time on that spells is pretty much instantaneous, it's saved her countless times, and she may actually die less in my games than any other non-mage PC. It is still a good idea to keep her out of melee combat though.


Huh... I just never had a problem with Aeries getting in melee or melee to her. I have her mem 1 stoneskin and thats it. More is unnecessary. Usually I make her cast a spell and run back a bit... or hover around a more brawny character so he/she can defend her if Aerie's needs it. For beholders don't even get her in their sight as they spell her to death. Try the common beholder killing tactics first.
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