I have received wonderful advice on here thus far, so I thought I would ask a question about the Plaguebearer Mission.
I have made it to the creepy building after having completed the part in the sewers.
I talk to the girl, I go up the steps, and yes, there are things there, lots of them. I lay back and take them out, but ya know, they just keep coming! I am getting the impression that they continually spawn so you are forever approached and eventually surrounded as you make your way through. I am having a heck of a time making my way through there fast enough before I get latched on to. Is there a way to break free and am I missing something? I have no idea where I am going of course, so that doesn't help I am sure.
Yeah, those things spawn infinetly. When one dies, another spawns in about 20 seconds. Just kill the ones closest to you, and constantly move 'forward.' Just find some hallway, go down it, etc. There are a lot of small dead end rooms, but the path is pretty linear and plain. Have fun with that .
Down is where you want to go- specifically, a hole in the floor in one room. After that, roam around on the bottom floor until you get to some double doors, and go through them. After that it's straightforward.
run forward, move the board blocking the whole, ducj down and crawl through, keep going to the end and go staright out into the next room connected to the path. from there, take a right and keep going on the path until you come to two doors with doorknobs(jump over the brick block thing). In there is the "bishop". Prepare for a heck of a fight.
"If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is definately not for you..."
as a Toreador I exchanged pump-action shots and didn't get Bishop until the 3rd reload.
as a Brujah I pumped up the blood (celerity and buff) and became a demented fireman waving my axe through everything in sight - a lot quicker than reloading a rifle. VVV.
As a tremere I did it a day or so ago - using the anaconda or the sledgehammer shoot or smash the heads of his zombie mates then go and crouch in the corner - the one with a bit of protective wall to the right. Our mitred friend goes and hides behind (a sofa?) in the middle, standing up for potshots at you. crouched keeps the aim very steady and the anaconda packs a 20pt+ punch per bullet. With the Anaconda .44 I could get off 2 or more accurate rounds to every one of his and it is easy to predict his standing to shoot so you get to shoot him before he can put you off by hitting you.
I was one of the easiest boss-fights I have had.
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"