[QUOTE=Deadalready]I'm pretty sure I've gotten the pin without romancing Jahiera and I've gotten it before going to spellhold naturally but the thing is I seem to remember the pin being very specific to the point no one in my party was able to use it, or it wasn't that good...
(It takes a horribly long time though...)[/QUOTE]
1)You're right, in my post I said that you can only get the pin in chapter 6. I should have said that you can not get it after chapter 6 (Terminsel will not appear).
2)Only Jaheira can use the pin. I don't know why you wouldn't think it's that good, though. It's better than most amulets(The +5 save vs. Spells is good enough, and it also grants 100% immunity to electricity, immunity to Magic Missile, and Non-Detection).
[QUOTE=Borja]Thanks a lot!
Yes, you can obtain the Harper's Pin without romancing Jaheira. In fact that's the reason why I'm not romancing her, because you can do all her quests wether you have a love relationship with her or not. Anyway, I've heard that it takes a much longer time to finish the quests if you are not romancing her, and perhaps you get more XP points if you do, I don't know...
I presonally prefer romancing Viconia, it seems harder from my point of view and you can still do Jaheira's quests. Besides, Viconia is so sexy

hehe, sometimes I feel she should look great bearing a whip instead of a sling or a club...[/QUOTE]
I think the quests take a lot longer if you are romancing Jaheira. As a matter of fact, I think Jaheira's romance takes too long, and you don't get the pin until the very end of the romance.