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No PC Race Dwarves?

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No PC Race Dwarves?

Post by The Great Hairy »

Gidday all,

Well this game has been sitting on my shelf for ages, waiting for a new PC to arrive on my desk. Since I now have the new PC, I thought I'd install Morrowind and start playing - so I'm a complete newbie at this game.

A quick question - my favourite PC race in all other RPGs is Dwarves. But I can't play one in Morrowind - why not? Are there no Dwarves in Morrowind? No Dwarves in the Elder Scrolls series at all (I haven't played the previous games)?

Any Dwarf mods around?

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Post by jopperm2 »

Play the game for a little while and I think you'll find out why there are no playable dwarves.
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Post by dragon wench »

I came across a mod the other day that allows the PC to play both dwarves and hobbits. I think it was at TES. ... eA&show=10

I agree with Jopperm though.. it is unrealistic to be able to play a dwarf.. given the history of Vvardenfell. Equally, hobbits have never been part of the Elder Scrolls universe.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Eh, missing Hobbits I don't mind so much.

But why no Dwarves? What's happened to them?

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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Eh, missing Hobbits I don't mind so much.

But why no Dwarves? What's happened to them?


Play the game and find out ;)
Or if you want to be spoiled, type dwarves into the Game Banshee search engine ;)
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Post by The Great Hairy »

No spoilers for me! I'll keep playing then. Although my Argonian Knight is only wandering around Sayda Nedine (sp?) at the moment, waving is rusty dagger about. Stabbed a mud crab to death before, that was fun. Gave Fargoth back his ring. Now looking for this merchant guy. Got to be around here somewhere...


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Post by jopperm2 »

Keep us posted. I love seeing new players experience Vvardenfell.
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Post by dragon wench »

small hint: join the mage's guild ;)
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Post by jopperm2 »

another small hint: for early info on dwarves do a few of the main quest missions.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Any Dwarf mods around?

Mods? Oh-ho-ho-ho-HO-HO-HO-HO!!!!! :D :D

Um, sorry. Channeling Kodachi, there (for all you Ranma fans). Yes, there are Dwarf mods, as DW indicates, and plenty more, too. Go here, then type in dwarf in the description field. (It won't link directly here to specific mods.) You'll find dwarven race mods by Matt, Blitzer, Tarnsman, and Sanguinius. I can't vouch for any, never having tried a racial mod.

That said, check the sticky thread at the top of the forum for recommended mods. Many of them can be found on Morrowind Summit. Enjoy!
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Post by jopperm2 »

In case you can't tell.. the people here like mods. :D

Edit: ALso, play some of the game before making a dwarf with a mod. The Dwarves of Morrowind are not quite the same as most fantasy, and it would be rather unrealistic to be a dwarf there.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Cripes guys, let me find this merchant dude first! ;) It looks to me as though Seyda Neen is a pretty small place. I'm assuming (don't tell me if I am wrong!) that the guilds (again, assuming that there are a few) are based elsewhere - maybe this "Balmora" I have to go to find this Caius guy.

But why would I, as a Knight, want to join the Mage Guild? I've got Restoration as a Minor Skill, but that's Priest/Cleric I assume. I do have Enchant as well, I suppose they can teach me some of that (and sell me some Enchant spells as well).

Posting from the room with rubber walls again, mate? ;) I want to find out about Elder Scrolls dwarves (as suggested by Dragonwench and jopperm2) before installing a Dwarf mod. Thanks for the suggestions though.

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Post by Ares2382 »

Ok just ignore all the people here and go play. And I don't know about you, but when I get a game I haven't played yet, I tend to stay away from any of the forums, cause they tend to spoil it for me.

And if you gonna join anything join the Imperial Legions.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Cripes guys, let me find this merchant dude first! ;) It looks to me as though Seyda Neen is a pretty small place. I'm assuming (don't tell me if I am wrong!) that the guilds (again, assuming that there are a few) are based elsewhere - maybe this "Balmora" I have to go to find this Caius guy.[/quote]

Balmora is an excellent place to start looking for guilds. Seyda Neen is just a minor port. But hang around for a bit, build up your skills, and purchase a few basics: maybe a little armor and a weapon or two, possibly a spell or a couple of potions. Balmora's not a simple walk over the hill.

But why would I, as a Knight, want to join the Mage Guild?

If you're a roleplayer, you can define your background any way you want, and that includes many opportunities to play a knight who uses magic. If you're a powerplayer, on the other hand, the attraction to know and use spells is obvious. After all, your enemies won't be put off by your ignorance. ;)

Posting from the room with rubber walls again, mate? ;)

You try moderating on these boards for years, and see how many flying casaba melons you end up talking to. :D
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

There is one DWEMER plugin wich i would like to recomend..

DWEMERS ARE DWARFS in Morrowind.. and DWEMERS are ELF's..
But here is that one plugin

Dwemer Race Mod by T-Bone

Adds the dwemer as a new playable race. V1.1 fixes some bugs with the voices.

Can be found here.. in Morrowind summit.. [fable gave link to you allready]

Or you can jsut download it from here.. ...
(same downlaod link as in Summit)

BTW Argonian is good choise for character..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Greg. »

Join the mages and theives guilds.

A good reason for this is teleportation and getting a price on your head removed. Fighters guild is good too - you can build up your knightly skills. The Morag Tong is great for earning high amounts of money (especially if you are newer to the game - lv 8 and above).

It pays to advance in several different types of skills.

There is only one dwarf on Vvardenfell.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

So the Dwarves (or Dwemer) were wiped out by the gods for messing with nasty stuff? Interesting! I got the quest to get the Dwemer puzzle cube, and read that book the guy in the bottom of the Fighter's guild gave me. Haven't gone there yet, busy doing other things!

Cheers all,
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Post by jopperm2 »

There are no real Priest/Cleric spells in Morrowind, all spells are universally used. Some just have a more religious flare to them. You really don't have to be a mage to join the mage's guild. You will need a few mage skills if you want to advance very far. Enchant is one of them, Restoration doesn't count. They can train you though. If you want I can give you a run down of the strengths of each faction.. ONly if you ask though. I don't want to spoil anything for you.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

No, no, no spoilers! I'm not asking. :)

Thanks mate,
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