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the concil of six

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the concil of six

Post by DarkAngel »

where can i find the consil of six it would be fun to attack them.
hope you can help.
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Post by Fenix »

To my knowledge, the only member of the Six that you can meet is the Lord of the Jystev (sp?) house in the Government District (I remember a discussion *ages* ago on the Black Isle boards about them, and him being one), but I'm not sure.
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Post by mattegeniet »

Isn't there a council member in the bridge or temple district too?
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Post by Qwinn »

I think there's a guy in the Bridge District (toward the NE, on the right side nearabout where Anarg and gang show up in the paladin quest) who isn't actually on the Council but "speaks for them" while they're away or some such. He doesn't put up with you sticking around his house, either - he orders you to leave and if you don't do so fairly quickly he calls guards and attacks.

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Post by Ekental »

If you want to kill random cowled wizards just start magicking more than once in the city and they'll drop on you. A bit more difficult to kill than any of the council members... and you can do it 5-6 times before they leave you alone... just don't pay their insurance fee to cast magic and you can see who's kung fu is superior.
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