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Stuck at Roof Top .....**SPOILERS**

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Garret T
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Stuck at Roof Top .....**SPOILERS**

Post by Garret T »


I have just beaten down the Sheriff and now I am stuck at roof top .
That bat and those 2 Vampires are just having their way with my gangrel and I can not seem to find the right way to advance past this . Any tips or ideas would be nice . if I go for the bat the 2 Vamopires on Roof rip me apart with claws and if I kill those 2 Vamps on roof they just respawn and start all over again .
Whats the secret to this battle ? I just want to finish the game and see what happens next ... I only have all Disicplines at lvl 3 each
I am a Sneak and Melee Manster LOL so if that helps and my Firearms is at lvl 4 combined its like lvl 8 total so any tips on how ot kill this Bat and not those vamps .

Garret t
So you still dont belief in Vampires !?! And no Rat Sucking is not a good thang !
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Post by Maxinion »

Well, just focus on the big bad guy. You have 8 in firearms... he should be easy. Just take out your killmatic or McLusky and just open up on him. He's so huge that he's an easy target even at a distance.

The trick to fighting him at melee is to flash the spotlights at him. You press the e key to activate them just as he flies past them. He falls down for about 30 seconds-- plenty of time to run up and deliver around 500 damage at melee. That's how I beat him as a Gangrel, but I was doing a Fortitude-Protean-Animalism build, instead of your whacky combinations. :p
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Post by pennypincher »

If you get REAL stuck, you can do what my malkavian did. Let the cops shoot the sherif out of the sky while you cower in a corner, ocassionaly fighting off the Grel on the roof and beating your own head, whispering about K-mart and the saftey record of Qantas
I was Diablorised once. I got better.
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Post by Shadowuser »

Ok, here's how I did it.

I ran as fast as I could towards the left side of the building. As soon as I got around the corner I was fairly safe sinced nothing seemed to follw me. That's when I pulled out Jamie Sue and just waited for a shot. The dumb bird always flew the same route. I just set in the corner and zoomed at a spot in the air that was in the birds path. Everytime he flew by I gave him one. Well, almost everytime since I did miss every now and then :o
It takes a while to do it this way but its better than reloading every few seconds :D
Good luck!
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Post by Celacena »

Bashing the Behemoth

Spotlights are key to doing the flying elephant, but a buffed-up swordsman can inflict a lot of damage whilst it lays on the ground - the key thing for me was to get rid of the small enemies who can cause a lot of trouble whilst you run about.
you have 2 searchlights and that gives you the chance of giving the big lump two real episodes of slashing. the t-blade is pretty good and close up can do enough in quick succession to wear down the big bully.
I found re-blooding was important because usually you conclude the Sheriff fight somewhat splattered.
so - get rid of the little annoyances, use the searchlights and give out fast damage.
the anaconda and the speyr can help - but I follow ken-do, the Way of the Sword.
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"
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