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Best party?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale and its Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions.
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Best party?

Post by Monkyboy »

I have a little question. What do you think is the best team you can create in Icewind dale?
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Post by Skuld »

A a Fighter-type(completely up to you) and a Gnome Illusionist/Thief. That's the only party I actually finished the game with. Anything more than that and it's annoying to keep track in the close quarters dungeons that make up a good portion of the game. I played with a Ranger because of the extra 1/2 attack they get with long swords, but now I think a Paladin would be better for the Lay on Hands and Prot Evil. Even a straight heavily armoured fighter would be great. And SPOILER make sure your thief has reasonably high pick pocket skills so he can pick pocket everyone in Khuldahar or whatever the town with the huge tree is. Oh, and there was a LOT of resting in that game.
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Depends a lot on how you play Monkboy... Depends a lot on how you play...

What do you prefer, hack and slash or magic casting?
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Post by dark_raven »

personally, i'd try to find a way to use all 8 classes (which is possable using 2 multiclasses) and use races you think would work best for each class...
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Post by Monkyboy »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Depends a lot on how you play Monkboy... Depends a lot on how you play...

What do you prefer, hack and slash or magic casting?[/QUOTE]

I´m mostly in to Magic, but I like a ass kicking fighter too. And it depends on what level the character is. A low fighter is better than a low leveled mage...
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Post by Lucita »

My favourite party consists of these members:

Human or half elven Paladin
Elven Wizard
Dwarf Cleric
Elven Thief
Elven Fighter/Mage ( beginning, back up mage with supporting spells: identify, Protection a.o., so I let him wear armor for close combat. Later on when you found one of the elven mails, she may wear the armor and cast spells )
Human Ranger or Fighter
Lucita y Aragon, Childe of Ambrosio Luis Moncada, Childe of Silvester de Ruiz, Childe of Boukephos, Childe of Lasombra
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